Zack was the most ignorant, dumbwitted and clueless protagonist i ever had the displeasure of playing.
Shinra orders him to GENOCIDE a defenceless farmers village and he does not even take a second to consider why theyr defences are next to non existant. this scenario takes place multiple times over the course of the story.hot114
You are either talking about the Wutai war ,or the destruction of Angeal's vilage -don't remember the name-...
1. Zackwas being raised a SOLDIER-since he was 14-....Therefore , he was too narrow-minded to openly queston Shinra...Even so , he tried to negotiate with Wutai soldiers ,before he attacked...
If you're talking about the village , there were no villagers there. Genesis and his clone army , had killed them all when they first wentthere...So ,after the bombarding only the houses were destroyed , no villagers were killed...
PS : This whole thread is offtopic , i 'm wondering no one mentioned...What do FF characters have to do in a PSP forum ?
@jasondoto : Stop posting irrelevant posts.It gets really annoying.
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