aggelos6's forum posts
Well i personally think that its way too late to reboot the series.TriniPlayer
If you are right , then ,for me, the series should just stop...If they continue with the same Hollywood-like motive , there's no reason for the old time fans , like me , to keep playing.I played RE 5 only for the plot. I will definitely won't play 6 for the same reason...It's better to read it on Wikipedia.
I agree , however ,that they should not get back to zombies. It's too late for that. Although , i like them much more than Las Plagas etc.
As for the story , there are characters that really haven't been touched for a while now..Rebecca and Billy are some good examples...I have the feeling that RE portable will have something to do with them.
Gameplay-wise...RE 3.5 is good. But i like the old-school style much more. And , of course, much more than the over-the-shoulder camera. You had the feeling someone was wathing you...It certainly added the horror feeling to the game much more effectively than the 3.5...But still , a RE game like 3.5 would be better than 5...
I wouldn't really mind about the controls since the game itself is really great.Yes , they are annoying , but if you want to buy it , don't let that stop you.
It is really good. I don't mind aboutthe difficulty (i don't think it's that difficult)and the multiplayer -bith ad-hoc and online- is great...
That's in 2017… 2017!!!! I might be killed in a car crash by then.
Wow...You aren't really optimist about the future , are you ? :D
Anyway , unfortunately i don't sleep with anyone of the producers or the developers ,so i know nothing more than you.
As for the gameplay reboot , i totally agree. I found RE 5...terrible , really terrible. If you are wondering how the new gameplay could go , watch this-RE 3.5. It is definitely a possibility.
i wouldn't like a story reboot , although i understand that it is probably needed. But definitely i would like to have the same characters...
It all depends on what d I plan doing with it next :)PastehunterExactly.
I think they will definitely mention it even if it they do it after TGS. If they don't , the Go will be a failure...
It hasn't come to Europe yet , but it does , i will definitely buy it. From what i 'm reading it is great...
Origins wasn't all that creepy compared to some of the other games in the series, but the flashback sequences with Travis' mum sure did freak me out. Silent-Hal
Yeah , having PH chasing you in the labyrinth, in SH 2 was the definition of horror...But the flashbacks in Origins really made up for the absence of such moments...
Silent Hill : Origins. Just great...
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