I'm afraid i will need pics to fully differentiate these "hot" and "cute" "girls".
agony8832's forum posts
Wrestling died, when The Rock left. True story..
Dude when you said the "C" word, I thought you meant Caucasian lol.
Alright apostate, let's see how much you know about Islam. It's sad to see a fellow Muslim so ignorant about their ex-religion.
1. If I got a baloon and spread shaving cream on it, that would considered to be spreading the cream over the baloon? Same Idea here. Also, the mountains ARE fixed firm in the sense that they are stationary. (Save for a few circumstances.)
2. I talked about this before, yet you still refuse to understand. Slavery was not completely abolished when Islam came. So laws were made to slowly abolish it. Also, the slavery we're talking about here is also called servanthood. The servant was to be treated in the best possible way. You basically take care of all the person's needs. Also, the slaves had many easy ways to be set free. Abu Bakr, Muhammad's close friend, tried to free slaves when he was able to. Because one of the greatest forms of rightiousness is to free a slave. Before Islam, slaves were treated like dirt in Arabia. After Islam, slaves were basically considered servants. Since obviously slavery was not in the best interest of the slaves, it was to be peacefully removed from society. Islam let society take over.
Now about the slave sex stuff, you are NOT allowed to rape them, you may only have sex with ANY person in mutual consent. You can have sex with them (as if anyone owns slaves anymore, lol) because they are in a very close relationship, like in marriage. And your wife should have no problem with it because if she does then it is forbidden. Also, if the slave happens to be impregnated, she is automatically set free from her servant duties. Talk about oppression. :roll:
Well said sir, Well said.
I must tell you that the translation of the Qu'ran is very different from the original text. Like take example Allah, it has no translation, it does not mean God, that in arabic is known as Rabb. As for your verses, the mountain part is about how they are fixed for humans and spread out land does not immediately mean it is flat.
As for the other part, i do not have enough knowing about the subject to tell you hence i should not say anything.
Excuse me miss, are you a vet? Because these puppies are sick! *points to biceps*
Never fails...
Is bear attack human now?
If you could have any human skill, which would you choose? It has to be human and not super-natural. I would love to be able to beatbox,I still don't know why i find itso amazing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikkx6a8WzOM&feature=related Just for funsies.
I'm 17, and I look likea 6 foot tall 11 year old. Girls call me cute though, but thats only cuz you're not hot...
We love you Chelsea, We do!
Have been a big fan since i was little. Chelsea is the club that is targeted by UEFA and FIFA, not really but still. Damn you FIFA!!
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