We all love new IPs, but what we all really want is a new Castle Crashers. The Order, I don't know what to think about it. All I have seen is the trailer, I have no idea how it actually plays.
@TERMINATOR-SSD Just Cause 2! in my top 5 best games of the previews console generation. PC version rules them all tho'. Still, not a bad game on console.
I see the Oculus Rift as a better way to control a roach. Can you imagine placing a small camera on a roach, then steering it with the Oculus Rift? Now that would be impressive.
@bossc351 They never fixed Bad Company 2(maybe they did, but I didn't stick around THAT long)! That's why I stopped playing, never picked 3 and never going to pick the mess that is 4.
No Danny, I do care and I'm giving you a standing ovation. The way you feel is exactly how I felt, this show was pure garbage, everything about it was wrong. It's great to hear someone with a podium like you speak up and call it what it was, an insult to all gamers.
WRONG! I grew up playing Nintendo games, problem is Nintendo never grew up. Still putting out kiddy games. Not knocking on them, I'm sure they still have plenty of fans.
ahpuck's comments