@maddog724 @The-Neon-Seal Nintendo already dropped the price of the Wii U. It's still not moving units. I don't understand why Nintendo fans can't see the Wii U is dead in the water, no game is going to bring it back to life.
@LordCrash88 I have said it once and I'll say it again. PC gamers are as annoying as Jehovah Witnesses on Sunday morning. Always sticking their head where no one wants them. Go away!
I have a love/hate relationship with Nintendo. I couldn't care less for their Wii's or Wii U's, but I can't go a day without playing on my 3D's. I gotta have my Zelda fix.
@ZombieGuyGeorge @iempire68 Killzone has always been my least favorite PS exclusive. I have played them all, there is something they are missing and I don't know exactly what. I guess it's just not my cup of tea.
I for one don't believe they are being paid for reviews. My view is, Gamespot is not being paid, they just have bad reviewers, starting with Tom Mc Shea and Carolyn Petit.
ahpuck's comments