I haven't played WoW in 3 years now, I don't miss the game much, but I do miss all my guild mates, they were an awesome bunch. I was the quiet one, rarely said anything, but I really did enjoy their online chatter. Good times!!
On Wednesday, Microsoft quietly announced in a blog post that the company will give marketers the ability to track and advertise to people who use apps on its Windows 8 and 8.1 operating system on tablets and PCs. The company will do this by assigning each user a number—a unique identifier—that monitors them across all of their apps. (The system doesn't block cookies in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser.) Industry players think Microsoft-powered smartphones and Xbox game consoles will be a natural extension of the system, but Microsoft kept mum on the question. From the Washington Journal. I wouldn't touch an xbone if it was $99.99
@manutdarsenal Exactly! Like it or not, unless you're a die hard golf fan, Tiger is the PGA. I don't even know who the second best playing on tour is. All I know is Tiger is numero uno.
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