I have decided to wait a year before getting my PS4, I'm going to upgrade my PC instead. I'm thinking in 12 months the PS4 is going to have a better line up of games for me to play. Plus, there are plenty of PS3 games I still want to play.
You think Battlefield 5 is going to have a lot of destruction? Just you wait till BF6!! On a different topic, here is hoping for the best for our videogame brothers and sisters and the firemen fighting the fires in Australia. Be safe and stay strong!
God of War's ugly little sister. I knew Ryse was a GoW ripoff, I just didn't know it was this much of a ripoff, that first trailer. I was laughing all through out. I rather play the real thing, actually, I'm tired of GoW, too.
I really liked this review. I'm not pro or con on Sonic Lost World, I just really liked your pace and the way your explained the lows and highs of the game. Keep up the good work.
ahpuck's comments