I was dead set on buying a ps4, but I'm starting to realize there are still sooo many PS3 games I need to play. I just may hold on for a year, wait for more games to be released, then make the jump. I have no idea what I'll end up doing.
@rawkstar007 @PupilsDilated @tempertress Nathan Fillion needs to hit the gym! I love the guy to death, but he is getting old and needs to take better care of himself.
It's a shame Rayman didn't sell well. It could have been worst if they had only released it for Wii U, but that's no excuse for it selling so bad. Maybe GTAV had something to do with it, maybe the fact that a lot of people, like me, are not buying any more games for this generation of consoles.
How can people in charge of this disaster of a launch be so misinformed? This guy says one thing, the other say another. Just shut up already! Appoint one person to be the spokesperson and the rest, just shut your traps!
ahpuck's comments