Bing, Zune, Surface, Intellimouse Explorer, Xbone, MS needs to find someone else to name their products.
@ExpansionPack Danny talked about the Vita last week, he plays all kinds of games in his videos. You have absolutely NO idea what you're are talking about. Be gone!
@Born_Lucky I bet you read the headline and rushed down here to show your "outrage". Don't blame you, that's what most people do around here.
Already like the zoomed out camera, didn't care much for the camera in Infamous 2. Hopefully, they kick the difficulty level way up.
ah! my dad and I would spend hours watching wild wild west movies. Heck we still do, just not as often. Great show Danny, keep it up!
Killzone is already my least favorite PS franchise, don't give me more reasons to not want to play it!
ahpuck's comments