@Mersinary_Myth @ahpuck Like I said, I'm not opposed to hot girls in videogames and DOA is DOA. Same goes for Soul Calibur with Ivy and the other hot girls, but this is MGS, does it really need an almost naked girl to make it appealing? It already is a great game as is.
@Findy37564 @ahpuck Just look at it. It makes no sense. She is supposed to be some kind of soldier dressed like that? Who the heck goes to the battlefield dressed in such an outfit? yeah, it is a videogame, I get that, but it still pretty stupid.
@Mersinary_Myth army pants? She is in a freaking tongue and leggings, and no, I have nothing against making sexy women in video games. Quiet is just plain silly.
I can smell the BS all the way here. If not for the small minded lemmings eager to eat the same food they are being feed year after year, activision would have gone the way of the dinosaurs by now.
Battlefield for the Vita sounds like a waste of time, only because the twin sticks are so damn hard to aim with. unless, you can aim with the touch screen then you will have the advantage. Great PC elitist impersonation, too! you nailed it!
If you want to buy a Vita try craiglist, there are pages and pages of people selling theirs. That's how I sold mine. Goodbye Vita, not going to miss it.
Chainsaw gun to the head is fine, but child abduction is a no, no. The only time I have connected 4 controllers to a console was on my SNES to play NBA Jam and Super Bomberman. Man those were fun night.
ahpuck's comments