@Suaron_x I know! I'm never going to use this feature. I just find this whole thing funny. M$ are like the roaches running for cover every time Sony turns the light. lol
My story is very similar. I played a ton of CoD 1 when it came out, mostly did it to get away from WoW. I got bored of CoD, went back to wow for a few more years of hardcore raiding. I finally managed to escape WOW a couple of years ago, never went back to wow, never played another CoD. I'm trying to stay away from any online gaming. I'm too competitive not to get addicted. Now days I play tennis 10 hours a week and play video games for about the same amount of time. I think it's a good balance.
@wexorian I'm not a EA or Bioware hater as you're assuming. I'm a bad game hater. Dragon Age Origin was a master piece of a game, a sequel deserved better. Bioware decided to rush it and complete dropped the ball, that's why I hate Dragon Age 2.
@chicknfeet Exactly what I was about to say. After the disgraceful sequel that was Dragon Age 2, I won't be buying 3 till way after all the reviews are in, then maybe I'll wait for the price to drop.
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