I bought Just cause 2 earlier today, a 7489MB download. I have been downloading it for about 7 hours now and so far my slow as molasses PSN has only downloaded 1243MB or 16% of the game. I don't even want to think about the possibility of the PS4 going download only.
Good to hear about the flashlight. Also, I wonder if the Doom and Doom II are going to use the PC or PSX music, I hope it is the PSX music cause it is far superior to the PC version.
@SlimeSwayze I wasn't talking about the devs. I was talking about the studio. They thought this game was going to make them a lot of money, they took on too much risk with a lot of unknowns and now all that money is gone, the studio is apparently dead and Tax payers are left holding the bag.
Awesome video! I really can't believe it's been 20 years since the original, I still remember the first time I played it, like it was yesterday. In the world of video games, there is nothing more satisfying that a Mortal Kombat uppercut.
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