I played through Diablo and Diablo 2 countless times. I never felt the need to cheat myself out of the enjoyment of finding something new by buying it online for real money. People who are complaining about it are just overreacting. I will never use the AH, and if you do, then you deserve to be ripped off.
capcom gave PS3 owners many characters that will never come out on the xbox. Mortal kombat has Kratos, who will also never show his face on the xbox. Skyrim will be on the ps3 30 days after the xbox, no big deal really.
Well, they needed to do something drastic. Another round of single player GoW sounds boring to me. I mean, what else can they do? they have done it all, and they have done it all the right way.
Some of the Kinect commands are actually pretty useful. Like the follower commands and the skills menu, god knows I hate scrolling through the skills menu. The shout commands should be easy enough, especially cause most of the shouts are useless. I personally only use 3, unrelenting force, dragon rend and whirlwind sprint. I don't have a kinect and personally, this update won't make me want to get one. My trusty controller will always beat shouting at my screen.
ahpuck's comments