@Tiwill44: You are the one who said the genre wasn't fun until splatoon showed up... Really you are just showing you are not a fan of the genre and don't know what you are talking about in context to innovation in gaming within the genre
@Tiwill44: "1 special weapon vaguely resembling an air strike... I guess CoD invented air strikes?", the director of splatoon has said that the dev team liked playing games like cod and battlefield and there is no doubt they were influenced by them.
"A gimmick can be innovative", it should define the genre. Splatoon fails at this
"I don't see why you would assume that other shooters in the future won't borrow from it or expand on it", it's very Nintendo. I doubt we will see a couple of games that are similar to it, the gimmick is too tied to splatoon.
"it's still a completely new gameplay mechanic that was never seen before", you can see these ideas used in other games... Enemies in ink that moved in cover was used in Sunshine and getting points for painting terrain was in De Blob. They have just taken ideas and made it into a shooter. It doesn't define the genre, people will not look at shooters differently now. It is not innovation, let alone the most innovative shooter ever made as fanboys are claiming.
@Tiwill44: "Splatoon doesn't really borrow anything from CoD", Ya... nothing from cod at all
"And the idea is not that other devs should copy everything Splatoon did, otherwise we'd just get Splatoon clones. But it could inspire other devs to create new kinds of objectives and movement options based on what was new in Splatoon.", I think you are mixing up innovation for gimmick. Everything Splatoon does was based off of something another shooter has already done, but in a unique kind of Nintendo way. Every ranked mode Splatoon has is based off of other shooters whether it be command points or CTF. The ink and shooting the floor isn't innovation, it is the gimmick of Splatoon. It doesn't further the genre, but it makes Splatoon stand out in concept.
@Tiwill44: What aspect of splatoon is innovative though? What are other game devs going to look at splatoon for when making new online shooters. Nothing really, CoD has done more to influence games, even splatoon borrows from it.
@Tiwill44: Any game with strategy and fosters teamwork? CoD has perks and weapons that do more than just kill people, it must be so deep and innovative.
@Tiwill44: That's the same logic as cod though. Always looking around and spray enemies, always moving around. That's not innovation. In any ranked match of rainmaker or tower, the strategy is pretty much push as far as you can then camp the objective for the rest of the game and wait for time to run out. There is no depth to it. Always doing something =/= depth
@Tiwill44: How is shooting the floor innovative? The games still play the same as any other online shooter, where shooting other people is part of the game with side objectives.
"Most of the problems you mentioned are anecdotal at best, and minor at worst.", In a game where reflexes and teamwork can give you the upper hand they are huge deals.
"Server issues and lag are bound to happen in any multiplayer game, and it's especially unfair to bash Splatoon for it", Yes I can because splatoon doesn't even use servers, its all p2p. Nintendo didn't even try to minimize the amount of lag, and the game suffers greatly for it. A little lag is understandable, but the amount of lag between people is ridiculous and usually results in those weird double splats.
No game can be 100% balanced, but there are still weapons the community agrees are the favoured ones
"Splatoon is a casual game", we can agree on that at least. The lack of depth though makes it feel like other casual shooters which isn't great for it.
"I'll agree that the map rotation limits are indeed annoying, but really, it's not a "huge" problem at all. It just makes each session feel a bit more repetitive.", I still hold that is a huge problem where the only reason stopping me from playing other maps is Nintendo themselves. They are limiting their own game, it really feels like their first online title and they don't get online games.
aigis' comments