Hey guys, I really need a new game
I've tried a lot of different games this past month and they kinda make me sick and bored, so I'm looking for more suggestions.
Here is a list I composed on my opinions of popular games - see if you think any other games would fit my tastes.
Oblivion: Played it, fabulous game, done with it.
Guild Wars: Played it, great game, didn't enjoy it at all.
Battlfield 2: Played it, great game, most frustrating game ever.
Counter Strike Source: Played it, wasn't that good 2md most friustrating game ever.
Fable: Played it, loved it, wish fable 2 would come out now
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: Played it, absolutely loved it, that was 5 years ago
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Played it for many many hours, kinda got bored around the 800 hours mark
Rise of Nation: Played it, loved it, sick of it now
Call fo Duty 4: Beat it twice, multiplayer was enjoyable, now just kinda annoying
Crysis: Beat it, great game.
Call of Duty 2: Beat it, now I'm kinda sick of shooters
Assassin's Creed: Beat it, enjyed every second.
World of Warcraft: Played it, took a blood oath never to get sucked in.
Maplestory: Played it, Loved it, hated myself for that
Halo: under impressed
So can you guys think of any games that I might enjoy? Open to any type of game. thanks a lot!
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