first off,FINALLY!! ive been waiting foever to get one,and now i finnaly do,YEA BABY!!!
i bought the bundle that comes with wall-e and little big planet,i also have GH:WT and a friend lent me army of two,cant wait to get COD4 =D
now my questions are
-do you guys mind if add you on PSN?,just leave your PSNid,im "alexdude6792"
-how do i prevent my PS3 from overheating? after playin Ao2 for about 5 hours,it froze and scared the hell outta room is very hot for some reason,what can i do to prevent this?
-what is "dedicated server"? and can someone explain how that ties with connecion speeds and joining games? its confusing me and i dont wanna lag,lol
-is HHD capacity a worry? im undecided on whether to upgrade or not.i dont really plan to get alot of DLC,just some but what worries me is "installing games"
GH:WT and Ao2 didnt install,they just had to do an update,am i right in thinkin that not ALL games install? ive heard MGS4 takes up like 15 gigs,thats ALOT of space to install too
thanks guys =]
EDIT-i have the 80GB version
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