NO WAY,thats wat i thought at first when i bought my wii,not flaming,but it lacks support,at least the kind i want,im keeping the wii for its first party games,and if developers ever release a game i like with potential,like redsteel 2 :D
as it is now,im getting a PS3,to be my primaary console,there are just WAY too manygames that i like that im missing for choosing one system,and it goes for the wii as well
RE5,GTA4,deadrising2,burnout paradise,orangebox,army of two TFD,bioshock,modernwarfare2,deadspace,DMC4,FF13,FFv.s.13,FF14,fight night round 4,ninja gaiden,soul calibur 4,assassins creed 2,streetfighter4,guitar hero 4,MGS4,killzone 2,GOW3,MGS rising,ratchet and clank,LBP..........metroid prime trilogy,zelda TP,metroid other M,redsteel 2,mario galaxy,mario galaxy 2,mario bros wii,RE4,SSBB,.......
i cant survive with only one system,WAY toomany good experiences to miss
its a great(and expensive) time to be a gamer
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