I quite like it so far, but there's really no reason to upgrade from 7 unless you can get it for free or 14 bucks or whatever.
alexLmx6's forum posts
Guild Wars 2 is what brought me back from the dark side.
I am going to continue the trend, of having never bought a Call of Duty game.R3FURBISHED
If you want to make a game, then make it. At the very least, you'll learn something that you wouldn't have learned otherwise.
GoG is good, I'll definitely sign up and get this, maybe buy something as well!
You are missing one important piece of the puzzle though.
If any of the next gen console's allows used games those customer's will move to that system, when they do there is a network effect, their friends will want to play with them.
Each following year (when people are choosing a next genration console to buy) the network effect continues to compound.
This is why the Xbox360 had done as well as it has, it had the most time on the market to compound its network effect.
In the end, the consoles that block used games will lose much more market share than software sales will be able to make up for.
Do you happen to know how many game sales are used? I don't have an exact % (and have tried to find a site), but IIRC I read a while back it was somewhere a lot higher than 50%. Maybe 75%. I don't know, I think they could afford to lose quite a bit of the market share if every game they sold was new and used were gone. And sure, a lot would jump ship to other systems, but there still would be many that would buy such a system as threads on here asking such have shown.
It's more like 30% at Gamestop, which is probably the biggest used game seller. Remember that a game has to be bought new first before it can be bought used.
As for me, I flat out refuse to buy anything that would lock out used game sales or force me to be online all the time, even though I'm probably amongst the 78% who are connected, and I generally buy all my games new. They can only get away with crap like this if we let them, so it's really our choice whether blocking used games and requiring always on internet is PR suicide or not.
Yeah, it's just the wrong type of game for consoles. People who play sims of any genre generally want to have realistic equipment, which console makers do not generally allow, or if they do, they're watered down mass market versions of what you can get on PC.
I don't get online gaming at all. I play games to be alone after having to deal with people's BS all day, I don't see why anyone would want it.
The shooting isn't good enough to eliminate VATS, and I wouldn't play without it on anyways. And I completely agree with other posters, cramming multiplayer where multiplayer doesn't belong is ruining a lot of games, because the single player just becomes a tutorial for multiplayer.
I would like to see a return to Fallout 2 gameplay with current gen tech, it would be awesome.
Totally deserved top spot.. And really, fantasy games all kind of pull from the same basic pool of stuff, maybe just make some of the races more or less human, add a different kind of elf or dwarf, give mana a different name, etc. I don't see this as a bad thing, and while Amalur certainly rips off some gameplay from other RPGs, the combat more than makes up for it. If you haven't done so, go get this game, you'll be doing yourself a favor and helping to ensure there will be more games in the series!
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