When Microsoft buys a software company to add exclusive software support,EVERYONE HERE CRIES, THE DEVIL'S ALIVE!!!
How could they? They are an evil company that must be stopped!!! They are killing gaming with their greedy antics!!! Stop them now before it's too late!!!
Ok, I guess they are evil right? Because buying up software companies is pure evil, right? Ok fine, if that's the way you feel about it.
My problem is, when then do you criticize MS for INADEQUATE FIRST PARTY SUPPORT?
On the other hand, Sony buys up companies and everyone praises them for their brilliance. Wow, Sony is a smart company adding to their first party. MS can't compete with them because they have invested so heavily in first party games. Sony could purchase Activision and this forum would go crazy with fanboys claiming RIP Microsoft!!!
MS pays for exclusive DLC and makes deals to ensure all major third party games are on the 360 on day one. This gen so many fanboys have cried about this as well. They are greedy, why do they need to throw their money around like this?
Then E3 rolls around and we find out this is EXACTLY what Sony is now doing as well. So now the attitude changes to, this is how the industry is now, kudos to Sony.
Microsoft actually has the money to buy EA and Activision and put and end to Sony. Sony would be DEAD OVERNIGHT but MS wants to play nice instead. If Sony had the money, they would buy EA and Activision tomorrow to get rid of MS and try to get rid of Nintendo. Just how they paid Warner Bros to go exclusive and killed HD-DVD.
Why is Sony considered such a great company that can do no wrong even though they lie all day at press conferences? They are arrogant as hell but it's not just arrogance, it's also blatant lies. Everyone remembers 4D and 1080p @ 120 fps? That was a LIE just in case anyone here is confused.
Meanwhile MS is the EVIL COMPANY and must not be trusted. Even though they have ADVANCED GAMING LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF WHERE SONY AS #1 HAD IT!!!
Microsoft gave us ONLINE GAMING AS STANDARD!!! They gave us wireless gaming, achievements, gamercards, Xbox live Arcade and indie games, free demos for all games including live arcade and indie games, movies, netflix, Hulu, tv shows, music, facebook, twitter, music videos, real interaction with online community, soon ESPN channel, soon controllerless gaming with kinect and the list goes on.
Sony copied Nintendo to make their PS1. The PS2 was just a more powerful PS1. Can anyone imagine what gaming would be like today without Microsoft? The PS3 would be exactly like the PS2. I mean the same graphics as they have today but just turn on the box and play a game. Limited online gaming, no movies, no trophies, no arcade games, no netflix, NOTHING. Just a box you turn on and play games. Just like the PS2 was and the PS1 was the same way. Sony can't even come up with a different controller design since the PS1.
I believe Microsoft deserves praise for the great contributions they have given gaming. None of us would ever want to go back to the way it was when Sony was boss. Why all the bias and hate towards Microsoft? Why aren't their MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS RESPECTED BY US HARDCORE GAMERS???
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