all_mint's forum posts
I say you stick with your ps2 for a while. Wait until ps3 price drops a little. Play the games that your ps2 can still read =)
Yea FF Tactics was also a really great turn based strategy game. I wonder why such games become rarer and rarer these days. I can't even find a single game in ps2 with a similar gameplay to those games. Well I think there are some on ps2 (atlus games) but they didn't turn out to be as expected - graphicw ise or gameplay wise.
vote dante for coolest!!
yeah...i have been having trouble with finding the Fafnir...
i dont think ill have any trouble fighting...
there is no way in hell he can be harder than Gilgamesh's second form at Level took me like about 2 hours to beat was hard...i mean really hard...and i had protect haste shell and bubble on all my charcaters the whole time...and i had Reddas with me as a guest...and it was still very difficult...
anyway(s)...yeah...done for now...
I barely remember anything about fafnir, but hey! I still remember gilgamesh. He isn't that difficult actually. He's alot easier than some other high level hunt. What I did was use remedy (while using the accessory which reverse effects of items) on enkidu. He'll be asleep, sapped, poisoned, etc after that. Then all u need to do is kick gilgamesh's pimp ass =P.
graphic and story?
I think most ppl will suggest FFX or FFXII (FFX's story is better in my opinion). Even though I don't like it so much, many ppl find xenosaga a very good rpg. Try read reviews to find out which one u like the most.
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