Hello avid Gamespotters!
I just got a chance to put in a few hours with the Hellgate London Beta and figured I'd let you guys know how its turning out. The charrie select screen is pretty nice, shows your charrie against a hellish backdrop of a now bleak London. You can change gender, faces, hair, hair styles, etc. There's a wide array of ways to customize your characters, even a slider which goes from anorexic to super size me.
The available classes are blademaster, which is a warrior type Im guessing, marksman, im guessing long range combat type, evoker, mage type, summoner, pet class type, and engineer, which looked interesting, apparently they build bots to help in combat.
Well for my first playthrough I picked summoner, and off I went. I started in a cruddy looking back alley for the tutorial and it was pretty basic stuff, the inventory is reminiscent of Diablo (a large window with multiple boxes, each item, depending on size is a varying number of boxes wide and tall, ), and even the quality of items seems diablo-ish with green seemingly uncommon, blue rare, and purple legendary. Well you are tasked with finding someone and then another someone and you head for underground train stations, where a number of quest givers and portals to quest locations are. Its all really simple and user friendly and a nice on screen map helps in case you manage to get turned around.
For the most part, at least in early levels, summoner functions a lot like the warlock from World of Warcraft. You start with a low lvl summon spell, which summons a cute magma imp like creature, made of burning magma rocks and it has a pretty low hp bar, but shoots a fire beam, and this is your only pet for a level or two. Even taking down critters only 1 level higher than me was a challenge sometimes, as I had to whittle their hp down for awhile before beating them. I ran into a level 2 "boss" and it killed the little fire imp in one hit and chased me around, while I hit it for a few hp each hit. You also have a weak gun and a mystic shadow bolt kind of spell with the summoner, and the shadow bolt doesnt use any mana, but does a lot more dmg than your gun (though as a summoner, it probably should).
At each level up, you get a point to stick in one of four attributes (like diablo), and a new skill from your talent tree. The early summoner talents were:
Afterlife: converts corpses on the ground to hp (I didnt take this, but since corpses dont vanish, I can see how this would be useful for the "hands on" summoner)
More Imps: adds a second fire imp to your army (maxes out at 10, so presumably you could have an army of 10 imps following you around, now that sounds fun!)
I forget the odd name of the third talent, but it gives you a freakishly ooglie spiky frog like summon, which has a nice long hp bar and some nice dmg, so I picked that. What's kinda nice is that putting more points into the frog talent beefs his armor up, first by 25% , then by 50%.
I didnt get too far into the class, I know, but I wanted to try some of the other classes in the game. It was definitely fun though, I'm gonna have to jump back into it. I'll definitely keep you guys updated !
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