I don't know if you remember EQOA (EverQuest Online Adventures) for PS2. It had its faults, but it was the first time I can remember playing an MMO on a console and having a lot of fun. Why it took so long from something like that to getting something like FFXIV baffles me, honestly.
its quite easy, skill is a quantifiable measurement of ability, either through years of practice or study. Skill can only take you so far, however, and that's when those with talent will excel.
Well done ! You've just found the only board on GameSpot where gaming talk isn't allowed and not only posted about gaming, but also a potential spoiler link. I salute you. (and by salute, I mean lock.)
Just to check, everyone knows the difference between a Psychiatrist and a psychologist/therapist right?
I doubt it.
I've used neither. I think it would be beneficial to me if I saw all over the above, but as a person I sound a lot more stable if I say I've never been and likely never will need to go. I think I'd be busy dissecting the psychiatrist rather than the other way around.
if you do decide to try it, the most important thing in finding a qualified mental health professional is finding someone you are comfortable talking to. This can sometimes take time, but its so worth it. Everyone can benefit from having someone they can confide in, in a relaxed setting, whether its simply as a sounding board for various stressors in life or just to talk about recent experiences and how they made you feel.
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