Kevin, your words have been a cornerstone of the foundation that GameSpot was built on. For as long as you have been writing for GS, I have been one of your eager readers. Trion is getting a wordsmith of the highest order and I have no doubt that you will do wonderful things there.
From one writer to another, "May your words ever flow like a river, and cascade like a waterfall, nourishing the lush greenery that are our stories. Create those worlds that yearn to be built, those tales still untold. Every word we write contains a small piece of ourselves and the more we write, the more we share, not only of our words and emotions, but also of ourselves.. What of you will you share with us on this new adventure?"
I don't think my last e-marriage ended well. Pretty sure we had to go to e-court to partake in e-litigation to figure out e-custody for the e-children. Now I can only see them every e-full moon and e-leap year. though in retrospect, it could have been worse. I could have found her on e-harmony.
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