I am an older gamer looking for a good RPG on the Vita. Was looking at Final Fantasy X-X2 HD remastered, but am concerned it might only be fun for younger gamers. Are there any older gamers who have played this game and enjoyed it?
I have never played any JRPG games as I have gotten caught up in The Witcher 2, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, etc.
Any responses form older gamers would be greatly appreciated (over 30ish). Thanks
It was a pretty decent episode and it wraps things up (dat ending). Don't know how they'll be able to do a season 2 cause season 1 is a prequel to the graphic novels.
Good to hear that it wraps things up nicely. I really enjoyed the characters.
That's what will likely kill it, because it's a prequel. It would definitely be welcome, mind you.
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