I love to write. I'm currently writing a mystery novel set in an alternate history of the 1920's where steampunk and the supernatural jive with flappers, gangsters, and jazz. My goal is to finish writing it by the end of October, get it edited and revised in the months after that and self publish the book next year. I'm been hard at work writing this novel since the start of the year and I'm more than halfway done (I'm shooting to get the word count between 80k-100k which would make it between 320-400 pages). And once that's all said and done, I have plans to write another book (maybe I write one book a year?), either a sequel to this one or something else entirely. Should be fun. :D
sounds fascinating ! gives new meaning to the term, "roaring 20's", ha !
Yep, have a few courses to go to get my degree in Creative Writing with an Emphasis in Fiction from UCLA. I attend off and on due to the fact that I have to pay out of pocket. Currently writing a fantasy based speculative fiction novel. If you're quite interested, I have about six chapters up at piecesofallie.wordpress.com. I really need to get back to adding more up there.
I didn't finish it. The biggest problem for me is that it might look like Batman, might sound like Batman, might have all the cool toys and gizmos and moves like Batman, but it doesn't "feel" like Batman, if that makes any sense.
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