[QUOTE="allnamestaken"] About your last point, this is something I've seen people ask for, for years. Developers seem to love to give us the choice do behave either in a good or evil maner, but haven't quite developed this concept as fully as I think they could. It would be cool to see some morally complex decisions that have deeper and more specific consequences than the usual 'if you choose the good path X will happen, if you choose the evil path Y will happen", cause and effect realations we have now.Cow-Juice
Totally agree. I didn't play much of Knights of the Old Republic (one of the first games to have the good/evil story paths that I can think of) but I remember all of the dialogue choices you were given and at the time I assumed that each choice would have a deeper effect on the branching story than it actually did. I'm not sure if Mass Effect has nailed the neutral aspect either (don't have a 360 or good PC), but definitely look forward to a truly choice driven RPG-esque game in the future.
I`m interested to see if Bioshock 2 expands upon its predecessors ethical choices. I haven`t read any previews of the game so I`m not sure what to expect, but I think the original`s sheer emotional depth, created I think, by its incredible setting and immersive story driven gameplay, made the ethical decision of whether to harvest or save the little sisters that much more important to me. This is the only moral decision I can remember from the game. Maybe it`s more the quality and immersive value of the game as opposed to the complexity of the moral decisions that make the decisions themselves important and powerful? Probably a bit of both though!
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