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#1 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts


crazy fun interview with "special boy"

That'd kind of messed up. Was this a joke?

Yeah, it was satirizing the way the general population views people who we deem to be really intelligent. How they must be abnormal because they are so smart.
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#2 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
You made this thread like 6 months ago.
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#3 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts

I will read the assigned chapters for classes, read the chapter review at the end a couple of times, but by the time the test comes I can only remember about 50% of the stuff which is why I'm not doing to good in this certain class. If I could read the same chapter every day for about a week I would probably remember more and do better on the test. But that isn't realistic because the test covers like 10 chapters and I barely have time to read them all once. The teacher doesn't give us notes, basically 95% of the material on the test is found in the book. I hate classes where you have to read so much, it's so time consuming. Anyone else have classes like this, or any studying methods they use that are helpful? Discuss.

So let me get this straight, you only retain about 50 percent of things you read? Sorry, that's all I got out of your post.
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#4 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
This DLC is going to cost points right?
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#5 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
That does suck man, I'd say yeah, get a gym membership and hit the weights, and cardio exercises. Maybe sign up for a rec league or something, if you want to stay sharp and just play!
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#6 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
Just say I Love You, Man, it was hilarious! It was funny because I went with a couple buddies and we could relate to the Lost DVD part! Really funny, and pretty realistic movie.
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#7 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts

So I hooked up my old computer and started digging through some of my old files, and came across this gem of an essay written back in Grade 9 for my Science class. The file name was, no joke, The Moral Issues of Cancer. It's worth the read trust me.

The Moral Issues on Cloning

Cloning, is it morally right, or against religion? It has been argued over for many years now. The Catholic Church has called cloning tampering with gods way and refuses to accept it. Although human cloning has not been completed yet, Scientist's are still making attempts to clone people. I believe cloning should be allowed if it does what all the researchers say it is going too. For example: help infertile parents have kids, and help the medical world as well, some people claim it can even solve the problem of cancer! Another reason I think cloning should be allowed is because when you actually see the process of cloning you realize that it really isn't that much different from an actual normal reproduction. If cloning can help people so much why not try and do it?

Should parents be told they can't have kids? As of now there are many ways infertile parents can still have kids. Problems of the passed like erectile difficulties and menopause are things of the passed. These problems have been around for as long as I can remember. With cloning there are many new ways infertile parents can have a baby. Unfortunately though, only about half of the people who go into clinics get a baby. Even though there are more than 18 different ways currently to make a baby, cloning would certainly raise the odds of people getting a baby just for themselves. Many people would argue that "it is messing with gods way." And in a way it sort of is, but the truth is many nice people are affected by this disease. If the parents are happy with there new baby is that morally wrong?

Cloning in the medical world has almost boundless limits. Cloning could be used to save ones life. Maybe by cloning a heart or a liver for a sick person in need. Transplants would be much easier and quicker because instead of looking for a donor they could just clone an organ that is ready for use. Many researchers say that cloning could help with many other disease too like cancer and spinal cord injuries. The growth of misshapen cells could very possibly be stopped right at the source. Which could mean happier healthier babies. Some people say that even Leukemia could be cured with cloning. With all these health related benefits, why say no to cloning?

When people think of cloning they think of a mad scientist working in a laboratory and making up whatever creation they want, just like that, but the truth is cloning requires much more. In some cases it needs up to 5 people to make a successful clone! When a scientist is cloning he need at least: an enucleated cell, sperm, and a fertilized cell. As you can see all these things come from people. In the movie Multiplicity Michael Keaton goes down to a medical center and clones himself three times. Each has three different personalities and all are cloned very easily. I believe this movie has mislead many people because when something is cloned, it ends up being born the same way you and I were. Cloning is all about altering the building blocks of life... cells. When you clone you must go through the normal stages of pregnancy, (ex birth childhood etc.) There is no way that they would look all like you either. Since the egg or sperm cell has to be donated from another person. As you can see, cloning isn't as terrible or as easy as many think it to be. Maybe if people learned all the facts on cloning they would think differently.

In the end, I believe cloning is a worthwhile area for science to pursue. The benefits of cloning seem much greater than the negatives. I cannot make the decision for you though. So I must ask, cloning, is it morally right or against religion?

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#8 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
It's 2:19 here, that being said I'm going to bed. Night, night OT!
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#9 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts

The measure of a person's character is how they act when no one is looking

Take that as you will

You're always so judgmental.
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#10 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
I love how human is winning.