Oh god, stop it! My poor brain.Kratos all the way baby! ;)
allnamestaken's forum posts
[QUOTE="allnamestaken"]I can't believe someone would get fired over this, all he did was complain about some front office moves. Fans do this all the time, who cares how eloquently he put it, it isn't the teams business.Jaysonguy
Let pretend you have a job
In that job you have a boss
You don't like your boss so you take out a billboard calling him names (also using language that puts the company in a bad light)
You don't think there should be ramifications?
Your speaking in a very general situation and even then no, I don't think so. What a person says on his own time should be his own business, if it's not hurting his work then what concern is it to the boss? To further nuance the situation, the person was commenting on front office free agency moves so obviously the ex-employee was also a fan of the team, and just didn't agree with the move. He probably doesn't hate his boss at all.I started off thinking I was going to hate it, but it wasn't terrible. The only part I didn't really like was when the killer started mocking the girl as the relationship between the killer and the victim was completely unclear. I mean, I realize that it was her ex-boyfriend, but how did he know about the couples personal conversations? Also, the second last paragraph made no sense to me.
Apart from that I'd say the imagery was a little cliche, but that's something you'll definitely develop as a writer. All in all, pretty good in my opinion! Also, this is way better than anything I could ever write so take my advice with a pinch of salt.
lmao lmao lmao That is beautiful and going in the sig. I'm going to have to be careful with what I say from now on though. I think Gamespot has potential to be a great social networking site, if they just fleshed out the friends list and personal pages a little more it could be an incredible meeting place for gamers.OT is the facebook/myspace of pseudointellectuals.
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