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alphawolf_0 Blog

We rollin again

So heres whats goin on in the life of me:

Im still rollin in UWM campus. The classes are ok and im doin pretty well with everything so far. Geo science is the only class that i may have any trouble with since the exams are really tough. Math classes are pretty good and im doing good there too. Political sciencei tookbecuase i thought it would be interesting, but instead it just talks about theories and other crap, thats not even remotely interesting. English class is extremyl deep, and the teacher expects us to change the way we live our lives before we leave the class, but honselty im not ready for that type of commitment :P

This is a picture of me and my girlfriend. Its pretty funny how we met, but i wont get into that. shes a sweet girl and quite different from my last girlfriend.

Anyway, ill see you guys later

Life in the UWM

ah sorry i havent been on lately u guys i hope u undertand college is overloading my senses right now. No not in the traditional sense your thinking of, like studying, cuz school hasnt began yet. I mean thparty life of course. From hooka bars, to cheap cigars to orange flavored bacardi, house partyies, dorm parties, floor parties, grill outs, ultimate games, girls, 4:00AM get togethers, strolls on the beach, jungle rules volleyball, brewers games, going drunk to brewers games, playing beer pong, clink clinking and lots of sleepless nights is a basic overview of whats been goin on so far. granted, the parties havent envolved more than 20-30 peoplet a time, but i have to say that this is pretty fun.

Classes start next tuesday so i bet it ill die down as everything gets underway, but the listr above explains my lack of activity over the last few days

GS union awards-Support the Naruto union!

Gamespot union awards 2007

Hey Everryone! Gamespot is hosting the 2007 union awards!! Now is the time to go and vote for the Naruto Union!!! Here is the official link to the voting thread:

GameSpot Union Awards 2007 Nomination Thread

Remember that you can only vote for us under a single category so be sure to that everyone is voting for the same thing so we can get as many votes in one section as possible!

I think we have the best chance with union presentation! So go out and vote for this union as the best presented union on gamespot!

Keep in mind that you must be over level 6 GS

Here are all the different categories:

Best GameSpot Union: Because unions have not be leveling up any union is up for nomination for this category

Best Community Assistance Union: Unions that have been assisting the Gamespot Community one way ot the other

Best New Union: Union must have been created in 2007

Best Game Specific Union: Best union dedicated to discussions of single game

Best "First to Fight" Union: Only unions with the "First to Fight" emblem are eligeable for nomination

Best Off-Topic/ Discussion Union: Best union dedicated to discussions other than games

Union That should be GameSpot Endorsed: Union that should be Gamespot Endorsed

Best Union Archive: Unions that carry the best stories, bullitens, guides etc on their home page.

Best Union Presentation: Unions that have a great avatar, banner, front page, etc.

Best Sport/Special Interest Union: These unions were neglected last year but they have a catagory for themself this year. Unions that aren't completely off topic and are dedicated to talking about things other than games

This is a BIG chance for us to get out and get noticed by the GAmespot staff and possibly endorsed!

Here is the official voting thread: GameSpot Union Awards 2007 Nomination Thread

ANd here is our union topic about it: Union topic

Here are some advanced rules that are about the voting process:

-Union that run solely on "Union Games" will be disqualified from the awards. Union games will be tolerated to a certain extent as long as that's not the major attraction at the union.

-Unions that contain spam and spam related topics will be disqualified from the awards (and may be moderated in the process)

-Final Counting of Nominations will begin on 21st Sepetember 2007

I know we can win everyone!


Gundam seed Destiny

Well i finished watching all the episodes from gundam seed, and then went on to watch all the episodes of gundam seed destiny. The series, like all gundam series lasts 50 episodes, and i have to say im pretty satisfyed with the show. The animation quality is superbly done ,and the voice acting was very good as well. Ive heard bad things about the edited version, but i can say that the uncut version was very well made.

Anyway, i was gonna put a synopsis of both, but im too lazy to do so all im gonna say is that if you love any sort of mech show, and love plotlines that are intricate and well designed, I recommed the show to you.

I guess this means ill be changing the banner back eh?

New Banner

Ive always been a long time fan of G-Gundam, and i somewhat enjoyed gundam wing (although i never watched the series only the movie) but when Gundam seed came out awhile ago i was uninterested, since gundam isnt really my favorite series. But now of course, years later i somehow got pulled into the series after watching the uncut torrents of it. Pretty good stuff, so i decided to make a banner.

I dont think i will keep it as my permanent banner, Just a temporary one until i finish watching the series. I tried to fool around with putting some animation into it from the show, and that turned out alright, even if the banner itself isnt exacty what i had in mind.

In other news, i found that i have been gambling too much over the last week. Im not taliking about high stakes gambling (when i go to the casino i hardly spend more than 10$),but i like to play poker, and we usually put in 5$ each.Since itsjust a friendly game of poker between good friends its not as if trouble can arise (since we all lend each other $ if we need it), but soon i realized that its my 3rd time playing this week, with minimal winnings when we split it. Oh well.

Im leaving....

for China!!! :lol: :lol: ( :twisted: im so evil :twisted: ) hope i didnt scare any of you!

Anyway, im leaving for china for the next two weeks. I will be leaving on Saturday, July 14th and wont be back till the 28th. I wasnt sure if i would have any internet access, still not sure if i will have any. I guess ill let you know if i do.

Anyway, im leaving the union officers in charge and I know that they will do a great job keeping everything in good shape when im gone. (No take over plots please :D )

In other news, i finally got a hold of some torrents on Rurouni kenshin, one of my favorite anime's ever, proboly on par with naruto. I watched the ENTIRE series from beginning to end, this of course led me to be excited about samurai stuff in general, and i went back to playing tenchu again. after some cool levels, now im on a crappy level that has robots instead of people and the castle is more of a duengon, and its prolly the crappiest level ive seen so far, otherwise im pretty satisfied with the game.

Well, this is the last blog post for 2 weeks, so i hope to see you guys when i come back! :D


When Life Beckons grab Oblivion

Anyway, Enter the realm of Cyrodill and Oblivion. The dark brotherhood. The planes of oblivion. The theives guild. The Blades. Everything is open for you to explore and it took little time for me to get settled in nicely. How is it that i can run this game? I bought myself a new laptop is why! Hell yeah! I can run it on meduim settings at about 13-15 frames per second. Not the best FR, but u get used to it.

I already beat the main storyline, and the Darkbrotherhood missions. Now im currently doing the thieves guild missions.

On July 14th, i will be leaving for China for 2 weeks. I dont think ill have internet access so expect me to be gone for that whole time. Hopefully my union will be able to handle itelf? :) while im gone? Ill be back on the 28th of July.

My Manhunt 2 Investigation

Well, its official that Great Britain has banned the game manhunt 2. Also, the game got an AO rating here in the states, meaning that essentialy it wont get anywhere, especially since Sony and Nintendo dont allow AO games on their consoles. My original opinion on this matter was that this was another attempt to subdue Rockstar and their games. As for the banning in england, i thought it was downright outrageous, as people should have the freedom to buy whatever products they so desire.

Intruiged by the subject matter, and as to what the game contained that would warrant such rating,i ventured forth to the manhunt 2 website to find out more details about the game.

I found a special Lab Files link, which appeared to lead to some cool horror game like flash animations (im a big horror game fan btw) and then upon clicking a security camera recording, i was able to read some details, thus beggining the investigation.

After reading the 5-6 page "memo" that rockstar posted i was in shock. The memo was from the mental institution that the main character will be starting the game off in. It details the procedures and expirements performed on one of the patients of the hospital. As it turns out, all of the patients are actually the guinea pigs for the doctors, who are performing all sorts of crude and disgusting psychological and physical expirements on the patients.

I read each and every one of the 9 memo's, and i couldnt believe it. I was absolutley disgusted. The procedures the doctors perform on the patients are the sickest things a person could possibly think of, and they are detailed in such a way that you know the game will include it. Want more details? Here a synopsis of one of the lighter procedures.

(proceed carefully, not for the faint of heart)

[spoiler] They lock the patient in a room for a week with a dead corpse in the room. They dont feed him, and they record day by day the different actions that the patient does, and how he reacts. The memo details the patient from the perspective of the doctors and all manners in which he slowly loses his mind are followed.Eventually the inevitable happens, and the patient has to do what he must to survive(in other words eat). Soon, the doctors throw another corpse in the chamber, and the patient begins to talk to the corpses and hallucinate and such. After a few weeks of this, and surviving on therotting corpses,the patient finally takes his own life in a horrible fashion, which is detailed. This is actual the lighter expirement that they did, the ones on the site are much more gruesome. [/spoiler]

After reading all of the memo's i was appalled and disgusted. Now, after knowing what the game features, i agree with the AO rating on the game, for this is probobly the craziest game i have ever heard of. I still dont agree with the banning of the game in UK however, but now at least i know the justifications, and what they meant.

But overall, being a horror genre fan, i must say i am intrigued by this I cant wait to see what happens...

2 new video's



Both are related to Naruto ultimate ninja 2. No, i didnt play it yet, but seeing how it was just reviewed i thought it would be appropriate to upload a trailer and the review itself for the union.

In other news, i beat resident Evil 3 on hard yesterday, quite a feat and im proud of myself :lol:

Finishing games

Sure it may seem as a very easy thing to talk about, right? If a game is good, you finish it. If it isnt good, then you dont finish it. Or perhaps you simply lose interest along the way. I recently realized that a good portion of my games, i have never finished. And i dont understand why.

Metroid Prime. Fantastic game dealing with samus and her journey something with space pirates or stop something or another. I cant finish this game. Reviews for this game are phenominal, and i love playing it. Its exactly my type of game, I love first person shooters and adventure games. SO what is the reason for me being unable to finish this title? I dont have the patience to do it. The game is great until it delves into the pillar searching parts, where samus must trek back to all previous locals and figure out where the pillars are to unlock the final door to the final boss. Im sorry samus, but i just dont have the patience to run all the way back and forth trying to figure out how to find the freakin pillars.

REsident evil zero. This one really baffled me. I am a huge Resident evil fan. Ive beaten resident evil 1, 2, 3, remake and 4. So, naturally, when zero came out for the gamecube, i stood in line and bought the game with a grin on my face. So tell me why i cant complete this game? It feels totally different from the other resident evils. Its not the camera angles....nor is it the controls. The graphics and story seem fine, and at no means is this a bad game. It is because of the horror itself. At no point in this game did i feel any sort of thrill or shock like i did when playing the other RE games. Hell, even tho i beat it many times, i still get the chills playing resident evil remake. The zombies feel more....powerful...scary. The sound design is can hear the raspy breathing from the hallway..WHile Resident Evil zero tries to mimic this design, it fails and utterly leaves me dissapointed.

Prince of persia warrior within. When i bought this, i was fairly excited for it, and wanted to play it. Even tho it pretty much played the way i wanted it to, i could not get into this either. I loved the puzzles and the action styles, but there was something about it...a certain...umph..for lack of better word it was missing that couldnt keep me drawn into it.

Wave race blue storm? Tell me how come i still get excited while playing wave race 64 on hard in the tournament mode. My heart pumps faster as i try to nail every turn perfectly. Theoretically blue storm should be better right? I mean, more races, better graphics, better tracks, yet it does not excite me when im racing.

And here comes a big one. Legend of zelda: Wind waker. Could not complete it. Im sorry, but even tho its a zelda game and had excellent design and such, i could not finish the game Looking for the first shard of the triforce i stopped and pursued other titles.

Metal gear solid:Twin snakes? I beat the original on the PC, Beat #2 on the xbox, and since im an mgs fan, naturally i got this expecting to be pulled in and beat it fast.4 hours into it i stopped. Went back to gamestop and sold the game. I knew at that point that i was never gonna play the game again. Its not anything that happened in the story, its just that i realized that this wasnt interesting me, and i culdnt play through all of it.

If you noticed, all the games listed off so far are all gamecube titles. And this may come weird to some...but there is not one single xbox game that i own that i havent beaten. Yeah. And i own twice as many xbox titles as gamcube titles. So recently i began to think maybe its something about the gamecube itself that prevents you from finishing games. But what are the reasons?

the controller is fine. The line of titles from the games are fine. Its not like it has bad sound. MEmory cards arent really a hassle. but....the gamecube has something that neither the xbox or the ps2 have. Muddied graphics. Yes i know i will be attacked and given different spec ops proving that the ol G-cube is more advanced than the ps2 and such, but it seems that whenever i play a g-cube game it feels muddier and the images arent as clear. And since this is the only problem i can find with a wondering if maybe its graphics that have staying power after all. That maybe its the graphics that keep you in the game and playing after all.

I dont know. Maybe im just shooting blind here. But just some stuff i was thinking about.