@esqueejy: To be fair in any entertainment media, bisexual usually just tends to be 100% gay. Like how almost every female character in movies, games, cartoons etc are now gay for some reason.
I was almost interested until I read "First Person" If I wanted an FPS Id play Call Of Duty, the main reason I like Ghost Recon and most the tom clancy (non rainbow six) games is because their third person and we're never getting another Socom. Thanks for ruining it
So basically a more expensive version of the SAME exact thing?
This new version provides absolutely no improvements in fps, graphics or anything at all.......if you don't have a switch already get it, but if you do, there's no point.
@videogameninja: Can't do a solo Wolverine run without it's violence in all honesty, it just wouldn't work without it. The Wolverine Max run is the exact tone this game needs in order to capture a true Wolverine story.
It can take all the cues it wants. If it doesn't have any form of communication there's no point in getting the console version over the pc version, because unlike D3 communication is necessary for end game trading etc. (I wanted to get the PS5 version as a first choice but that one very important feature is not added)
For those coming from D3 and never played D2 before......you're in for a completely different game.
@revyrevolver: It sucks that this is a fact but like most female characters they need to be carried by established male characters whether by name or taking the mantle. It's also kinda ironic.
alucardswrath's comments