@gamingdevil800: I was under the impression that the Old Republic era was non canon. They can make a movie about that era just to throw it out there for the heck of it I guess, but it would be a take it with a grain of salt movie. It would be what Fantastic Four movies is to Marvel, it doesn't count, unless I am wrong and they decided to make that era canon again.
They just need to stop going backwards and stop being afraid of going forwards.
If they REALLY need to get off on a prequel, why not do one about Palpatine? Now that I am sure ALOT of people would love to see.
Han Solo film is seriously not needed, and I feel it would be a boring tale. He is well loved indeed, but he is not a (no pun intended) solo character for a film.
@xenomorphalien: oh they can already, ff7, gta 3, gta sa, max Payne, dead space, deus ex, ff tactics, mortal Komat X, zoom enemy within. Those were all full scale AAA games.
alucardswrath's comments