As much as I wanted this movie to be good (will see for myself), but is anyone really surprised that this movie is getting crapped on, with the reshoots once BvS flopped??
Only hope DC movies has left is the solo Batman film with Affleck directing. He is a pretty amazing director and writer. Anyone remember The Town?
@jshah500: Just go to Gamestop ( though I am not sure if you are EU or NA) and just ask for the event card if they still have any.
The instructions are on the back of the card. I hope you get to snag a code!
I went to pick one up this morning while I was exchanging my modem and they were going out like hot I want hot cakes, you see what you did!
@suncato: yeah see, the great thing about sarcasm is that it's fun to use. Also I don't remember me saying "one day men will wake up one day wanting only man butt"
Yeap.....see what I did there......c'mon suncato.....c'mon..
alucardswrath's comments