what the hell did they need that much money for... KoA was not a big budget game ....no wonder they being investigated by the federals. They like me are scratching their heads, as to where the dough ray me has gone? And why so many creditors??? Something s is very fishy here.
What the hell did he expect in a an online shooter game rofl...you point and shoot, thats it, thats all a online shooter game is for. If you want epic story dont buy a n online shooter...
You are wrong , the amount of damage occured by a bomb is more important than anything else. Fat man failed to hit its mark and was not as destructive it for lack of a better word bombed.
from wikki...
"The Fat Man was dropped, and following a 43-second duration free fall, exploded at 11:02 local time, at an altitude of about 1,650 feet (500 m). Because of poor visibility due to cloud cover, the bomb missed its intended detonation point by almost two miles, and damage was somewhat less extensive than that in Hiroshima."
The name fatman and little boy don't mean much they just code names, usually by how they designed. The difference in their yields are not that significant. about 5 k tnt.
Yea for sure, Japan is more tech savvy ,they know the 360 is poorer technology , plus they have no allegiance to Microsoft I know what you thinking what about Nintendo?, Nintendo is a national institution, they love those types of games that come out on it, but even that slowly changing as Playstation starts offering Final Fantasy and anime style games.
If the listened to me they would have directed the forced Kinect thingy , made the system more powerful and same price as Ps 4 That would have given them a huge initial boost in europe and usa. They literally just trying to play catch up now, instead of focusing on good games which is where the ps4 is now.
dammit if only it wasn't turn based i would try this game, i love rpgs, but turn based combat is just too boring. I dont mind the way dragon age does combat , that's ok, i don't have to directly control my character , but damn tun based is just too much. I just about put up with it during the Final Fantasy days ( when that genre was cool ie up to FF8 or 9), i thought we are now in the golden age where turn based is over and done with for all but mobile games. Remake the game, and make it hard as you want but go why not just use the dragon age origins combat system? I really loved origins, but that's the only game like that, they so damn rare.
@KBABZ @scarred_fox thats not why people watch twitch they watch cause kids wanna see people better than them play, which is why mp games are more popular.
its very simple, think of it this way. imagine a program that has to find the way put a complex maze. Current gen pcs have to try every way out till it find the way out, which takes time. They also can only try one way out every clock cycle. This is a limitation and why extremely complex problem s can take pcs many days to compute.
Quanatm bit pc by passes all that, and you can literally try every way out the maze at the same time every clock cycle, that super fast. The reason its able to do that is because of electron behavior , hence the name quantum pc.
Electrons position in space can be anywhere at any time and hence why they can do so many things the same time. An electron can time travel and beam around anywhere it likes (with ins its atom of course), so imagine that old maze program a quantum pc will know instantly the right way out.
The current quantum pc is very simple though it cant do much, we very far from being able to sue quanam pcs in software.
yes quantum computing is the future, as moore's law is all but dead in the normal pc world ( he said pcs power will double every two years or something, but current pc chips are bottlenecked they can't get any smaller, they got around that problem by going multi core, but at some point that has to be toned back too) but we so far away from it its not even funny.
The very best quantum computer we have right now is equivalent of a calculator from the 80s. Even that is giving it too much credit is literally can only do one machine code instruction at a time. The problem is they have to find a way to relate machine coed to electron probability wave behaviour. the fact that in quantum computer a bit can be 0 or 1 i very hard to code.
@Targzissian same here who cares about MP.We have diabolo if we want a online dungeon crawler, the whole point of Dragon age is that we get the SP game that are so rare today.
amar1234's comments