its been more than one year.... it doesn't take that long to bug test a game.....the game was created on a pc so they had the game already made, all they had to do was bug test, create the interface and add any new features they wanted. That takes two months......
Come on now, just please stop messing around Rockstar, and making things up to try and distract us from the truth . The game has been out for more than year now....just give us our PC version already ....Gta 6 will be out for the consoles before the PC gets part 5....
@Caduceus89 haha you started the countdown :P i'm not ready to to start yet I'm way to impatient, so i just ignore the game and pretend its years away , till its only a few days away. Then the salivation begins!!
00:52 look at lara's hair. The pc version is less poly and has less effects . That cant be increased any further ion pc version that just how lara's hair will be. I know its not obvious, but look closely and you will see more individual hair strands on the ps 4 version compared to the pc version which has more blocky hair that moves in one large shape, unlike the ps4 version which has each individual hair strand moving on its own ( this is also why it appears like she has less hair on ps4 version as its very taxing to do this, so they had to not do so many).
Also look at her boots when she sitting down later, the laces are more clearer on the ps 4 version as the mapping is superior, this MIGHT be improved by turning on tessellation on the oc version but i doubt it ( normally pc games only apply tessellation on large surfaces not small items).Even lara's herself (mainly clothes) also have a higher poly count compared to the pc version but this is much less obvious you need to really look closely .
This is actually very common on pc games where the shader capabilities have improved exponentially, but the underlying polygon count HAS NOT. As pc s vary so much and the fact they can NOT create multiple polygons models for each thing , they have to just make the polygon count be good enough for the lowest common denominator. The shader effects can be adjusted in game and the only place where the pc version may be superior assuming they did the work. (most times they don't). A game like Tomb Raider has always historically been superior on the console, and the pc version created as an afterthought.
Dont misunderstand me im a pc man, i don't have any consoles, but that dont mean i don't call it like i see it, and here the ps4 versions seem like the better version imo. Not by a huge amount though. When it comes to watchdogs i think we can all agree the pc version sucks there and you are better of getting it on ps4. For titan fall i would say the pc version is clear winner. The last game shadows of morodo , i think its neck and neck, you can't go wrong with either version, but pc version may have edge here. so its 2 wins for pc and 2 wisn for ps4.
The fact that these deaths are occurring in internet cafes boggles the mind...i cant understand this happening to someone who is trapped in their own home, but in a cafe there's so many other people around and the staff should be keeping an eye on the staff literally didn't check on this guy for 40 hours....? I think the cafe owner should just force breaks on people, and be more responsible.
@dani_i89 Na its fair enough i understand not everyone was able to get in to Gta style games. Its not a bad game though dude, but i can understand why you may not like it, if you hate GTA.
@Soulsxx what did you say?? the resolution you play at is one of the most important things...You want to play at native resolution of your tv, and we all have 1080p tvs....I realise some kids have just jumped on the bandwagon to hate with zero understanding of resolution, but i think its you who is the kid if you don't realise that the difference between 1080p and 900p on a 1080p screen is VAST. Its like trying to watch a dvd on a 1080p screen, everything looks blurry and washed out. It wont be obvious to noobs, but to people who are used to playing on a PC for eg the difference will be startling. It all depends on how sensitive you are to jaggies, and blurriness. The image on the xbone version will be stretched to fit the screen. The ps4 version will be native,and so will look ALOT better irl.
@dani_i89 @dani_i89 so what do you play??This game does look different by the way and on a 1080p screen it will look EVEN better. I think you may just be a noob who cant tell the difference just like how old people can't. They have tripled the texture resolution , they have added some new lighting effects, they increased the shadow quality , they have increased the draw distance, they have made the game dx11 so they may have added some new tessellation and mapping effects.
Lastly they probably gave the game AA and more AF. The only thing they haven't done and why your noobish eyes cant see the difference is the do anything about the polygon count. That would however require completely remaking the game, and take alot longer and is kinda pointless seeing as the polygon count was already decent. They may have increased polygon count on some static objects though, as its easier to do that, than on characters that need animation.
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