@GamingSince96 why are you lying? you dont have a 4k monitor and you don't have a pc capable of running this game at max spex 4k at 60 fps either. Just get out of here you giving decent pc gamers like me a bad name.
ok so they actually did so something in those long 500 years while we waited for the next gen version. looks nice , may actually get a console now , instead of just waiting for pc version.
@SirCrimson nah its possible it's not attention span , its just the nature of these games they kind of sand boxy. So if a busy person plays this game he might not ever finish it .
There something off about this guy. Anyway i don't get how a nerd from Ireland would be hired to be on the blizzard team...dont they usually hire people from USA? opr was he specifically for the irish servers?
The lighting in that game assassin creed unity is something else. Getty pretty realistic now. Took A few seconds to see which was the real paris and which was the game when there were no npcs on screen. Only the ingame npcs give it away lol.
@Aleperez75 /facepalm a noob compare an open world rpg's graphics to a first person fantasy shooter. Dude you cant compare the graphics to these two games... its simply inst fair. DA I has so much more content dn stuff to do, it has more character more quest its like 120+ hour game. Destiny on the other hand has repetitive gameplay , and is over much quicker it's not even the same ball park. A game like destiny will of course be better looking.It's easy to give simple shooter games good graphics.
why do gamespot fixate on character creation so much. They spent 40 minutes on character creation lol;, when we all are sick of character creation by now since that was pretty much all bioware show in the lead up to the game.
@esqueejy what are you talking about.......? the woman Quiet was not belittled in anyway she has super powers for gods sake. She was a valuable asset. You feminist types are the ones that want woman to be doing more in video games and now someone gives it to you and all of a sudden she too sexy for you /facepalm.
Its no different to the movie industry, but i dont hear you complain about that where they actually use REAL WOMEN (its beyond moronic to say a bunch of pixels belittles women) . I also didn't hear you complain about shirtless snake... they made snake just as naked too if you noticed, But i bet you don't mind the half naked men do you? hypocrites....should i now complain about snakes pec muscles on show? should i shout about how men are being belittled ? dont be moronic there is no conspiracy going on, the video game industry is still naive and innocent, they not involved in the so called "keeping women down " bullcrap.Yes we do want to stop hearing about it , cause it simply isn't true. Video games are art, and art demands no explanation.
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