@wavelength121 Hardly seems like she didn't work hard enough, maybe she spent too much time in youtube??vale has a very different company policy to other places. They actually want you to be a jobsworth and show initiative there. valve doesn't have the kind of management you talking about . She clearly couldnt hack the fast pace , harcore work that was demande of her. read article they have sink or swim policy, if you don't work hard and show your value you get sacked they dont mess around there. she obviously sucks as a engineer. ye she impressive to noobs on youtube but clearly when it comes to real complex problems she couldn't do what they wanted.
@Jamie-L its pretty obvious dude, read between the lines. She says she's fired, and then they go on to explain the company's "policy" on hiring and firing. The sink or swim thing. So they obviously expected a lot from her she didn't deliver she got fired. Read valves handbook, that clearly state you have to be really, really good or you get fired.
@GH05T-666 they kind of low risk games though not really true mmos that we all crave from blizz. I have feeling they are literally afraid to try and make another MMO. They got lucky with WOW, and trying to recreate that magic ian gew game may not be possible.
there is no way they will ever again make a game as good as wow used to be or as popular as wow..... it literally was lightning in a bottle. I mean no matter what they to try and ruin their game people still play it....i stopped but theres still 6 or 7 million left.
@GameFan1983 That links saying they ARE SEARCHING , not USING, but its true they did use a form of Gi in crysis 2. Not sure exactly how they did it but it wo0uld have been the very first game that did.Its still a new tech , one that still needs improvement , i mean one or two bounce isn't what i would call real ray tracing.
what then you have a crap tv??? i can absolutely tell the difference between 1080p and 720p as long as the tv is at least 1080p . I can even tell the difference on my 2560x1600 monitor , ( when they play in full screen of course) .
You just a noob dude, cause most people can clearly see the difference. Its very obvious when a image is being stretched to fit the tv. 1080p is native for most tvs so it doesn't get stretched and so look MUCH better.
Its not just about extra the detail it's about the image getting stretched.... also there are no movies in 720p rofl, what movies you even have at 720p???? only way to watch a 720p movie is if you downloaded it illegally on the pc. 1080p; has and always is the standard for movies, ...i do happen to have some 720p movies and 1080p movies on SWIM pc and i see major differences .. so please don't call bs on me you noob, i actually know what im talking about ....unlike you.
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