@23Jarek23 @amir_g_m Trust me my friend... I have never bought an exclusive game because of the "excessive" price! only for birthdays or my boyfriend buys me a brand new one.. I usually buy them half a year later because I'm busy anyway Im' nto gonna play it... but 60$???
what I tried to say is that the economy is shitty everywhere in the world so it will definitely affect Squarenix and many others.. why are they surprised?
Maybe it will force other developers to reduce the prices!
I'm not a cheap person, in fact I owned every PS console (PSP+VITA+PS1+PS2+PS3) and the XBOX since GC. But seriously guys! this has gone too far... 60$???? each???? just keep in mind that in other countries they pay a higher price for the games regardless the fact if it's a hard copy or digital copy!!! This is insane!!!
they must reduce the prices! a new console is half way there so maybe they should really stop banging us?
amir_g_m's comments