Unfortunately, these days making any action game with an emphasis on tactics, strategy, and planning is a real gamble. This generation of gamers (2007-Present) are much less intelligent than the previous one. This is reflected in the dumbing down of once great game franchises such as Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. Thinking man's games are becoming more and more of a rarity as the fast, mindless, twitch-based crowd continues to grow.
Ubisoft, do you know how long it took for Tomb Raider to get a film adaptation with Angelina Jolie? By the time that travesty came out back in 2001 there have been five, FIVE iterations of Tomb Raider games. At least wait until after your game releases before you even think about such a gamble. Hell, we don't even know if the game will be good enough to usher a sequel.
You know what the next and last patch that Treyarch should release for Black Ops 2 be? 1.0. If the Call of Duty players don't want a game without bugs, cheats, and hacks then so be it.
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