@Sharebear420 @analogjunkie24 Stingy? Even if a game were to get glowing reviews there is no guarantee that I will enjoy it, which is I try to rent all the newest titles I am interested in. Even if I were to buy it after renting it I still won't be getting the full game thanks to the preorder bonuses and season passes (which is at least HALF the price of the actual game). There's nothing wrong with being careful with your money dude, especially in this economy.
I was going to rent this game through Gamefly (I never preorder or buy at full price) but it seems more and more of the gaming industry is screwing over those of use who rent and buy used. Preorder bonuses such as day-one DLC and exclusive in-game items as well as season passes for even more DLC make me feel alienated just because I didn't spend $60+ of my hard-earned money on a game before I am able to read a single review. I remember when I bought a game, new or used, I took comfort in knowing that everything was on the disc and that I was buying the full product. Now I'm lucky if I don't have to buy an online pass to access multiplayer features (Ghost Recon: Future Soldier) or have an entire class locked out (Borderlands 2).
Damn embargoes. They're the reason why Aliens: Colonial Marines was the one of Steam's Top Sellers, and so many PC gamers are stuck with that abomination. I was cautiously optimistic for Crysis 3 and I actually considered pre-ordering it until I saw what happened with Aliens. Over at IGN they didn't release their review until hours after it was released so now I'm done with pre-orders (good thing I was patient enough to wait for it before making a regrettable purchase).
For those of you who don't know what embargoes are, it is a a very slimy, sleazy practice used by greedy game developers on gaming reviews sites to maximize sales. They essentially threaten the reviewers with being blacklisted (blocked from receiving copies of games, demos, interviews and such) should they release a review with a score, say less than 7.0, before the developers give them the go-ahead so they can sucker in as many pre-orders as possible. No doubt EA will do the same with Crysis 3. For those of you considering pre-ordering this game or any other game for that matter please take my advice: wait until the reviews come out before you make your decision; I am sure you'll be fine without the exclusive weapon(s) and\or bonus multiplayer XP.
@Alecmrhand @analogjunkie24 I never even mentioned Obama in my comment at all. I simply said that both parties were corrupt but the GOP (Greedy Oppressive Pigs) is the most despicable. The Democratic Party has its problems, yes but they are absolutely minuscule when compared to the bible-thumping, bigotry, hypocrisy, fear-mongering, and ignorance that is rampant in the Republican Party. You should not get antsy about me preferring one party over another, I despise both parties just not equally.
While there have been some Democratic politicians who actually cared about their constituents such as Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Alan Grayson, and most recently Elizabeth Warren; I have come to the realization that both the major parties are under the thumb of big business, its just that the Republicans have shorter strings to their puppet masters than the Democrats do.
If the Republicans were to try to normalize their party by respecting Roe v. Wade, stop trying to disenfranchise voters, admit that the Constitution is the law of the land and not some book of desert fairy tales, and address a host of other issues then people will realize that these two parties aren't so different after all.
Although I am a little disappointed at the lack of the legendary Michael Ironside, I believe this title has a lot of potential. A non-linear mission structure, the ability to interact with you teammates, an actual economy, and support for different play styles all sound very promising indeed. Like Shaun, I was not impressed by Blacklist's E3 demo and thought the game was trying to appeal to the mindless Call of Duty demographic. But they seemed to have turned that around with these new features (it appears they also brought back some elements from Chaos Theory and Double Agent). I look forward to hearing more about this game in the coming months, and who knows maybe I might buy it.
@UKangelito This, ladies and gentlemen, is just a small portion of what the Irish people had to contend with for the past 900 years. Famine, exploitation, religious persecution, and countless other atrocities; all committed in the name of the British crown in Ireland, and he has the nerve to call for the firing of this man because he is a"fat shitty potatoe eater".
@buccomatic You just contradicted yourself. First you call for a national holiday in which "patriotic" men, women, and children shoot "bad" games (which begs the question: What would qualify as a bad video game?) which are protected by the 1st Amendment and are forms of expression. Great idea for a holiday by the way I believe the Nazis tried something similar with books and bonfires. Now you say we should get rid of people who try to infringe on your freedoms. Enjoy your stay in Russia buccomatic!
@Slim_Lyrics I am not angry because of what platform is getting the content, I'm angry because its a terrible practice that disenfranchises gamers for not playing on the "preferred" platform. I own all three consoles and a pretty good PC so its not a problem for me. It is however a problem for people who own only one of these platforms and can't afford to buy another one.
analogjunkie24's comments