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I knew that would happen. Right now it's around 3.00 a.m. and I can't sleep any longer.
That's what happens when I fall asleep before midnight. Exactly three hours later I'm awake.

And that's it.

Despite knowing better, I went to bed around 11 p.m. and here I am. My last dream woke me up, one of these unreal and weird ones, telling me: Night's over. Great.

So what do I do now? The biggest problem about being awake at night is, that you're alone. Everyone else is probably sleeping.

Like them :)

I should find me something useful to do, really.

Night night, sleep tight, mind the bugs don't bite :)

Replacement needed

How are you :), hope you are alright and your weekend is fine. Hey, I got a car :D!

Well, not forever, just for the next weeks, but it's a car! How this happened? My mum broke her foot. More precisely: her ankle. She fell after she had worked out. So for the next six weeks (at least), she will have a cast and I will have her car.

Of course, that's not all. What happens when the mum is knocked out? You have to face the truth and look at what she's doing all day. Cook, wash, tidy up, clean, go shopping... next to a fulltime job. And although I'm not at home during the week, I guess it will be my part from now on for the following weeks :(. What can I say, my two brothers and my father are not exactly helpful with these things. It's more like having three little kids. I know :roll:.
At the moment, I'm planning the meals for the week. Followed by shopping, doing the laundry, oh well... a lot to do, I should better start doing it...
No visiting the coast this weekend :(

Oh, and I have to tell my grandmother about it. We thought of trying to hide it, but for six weeks, it probably won't work :lol:.

Well, I think you can imagine what my weekend is like right now.
See you :)

Dedicated to

You thought I forgot you, right?
No, not true, but everything has it's own time :D. Here it is.

On the occasion of your first birthday
a whole blog just for you, Sarah :)
and something you will
most definitely

a lot


So much Gale just for you :).

And another one

Man + holding a baby = Sexy :P


Journey Home

Hey you all, hope you are all ok and have a nice weekend :). I think it's just about time for a new blog and here it is. Not quite the one I wanted to post, but I rearranged things. Frogs or Paris are still waiting in line, next to others aswell :)...
Alright, here we are:

Yesterday, I spent another hour of my life in another train for another trip back home for the weekend. Usually, it's not that bad: I have my Ipod, I have a book, something to eat or drink to kill this hour. Yesterday, I was really tired. At 5 am I had given up trying to find some sleep, mostly because of a cold or hayfever, ask me in a few days what it is :(.
So I wasn't in the mood for reading, and then I realised that the kind of music I wanted to listen to was not on my Ipod. Yeah, I know. I call this great piece of technology my own for quite a few weeks now and still there is plenty of space to fill. What can I say, I'm oldfashioned, still preferring these things called compact discs (the older among you may know still know them :P).

So I looked around and at my fellow passengers. Although Friday, there were not many people around. Older guy with newspaper, young guy with dog, woman with a sleeping baby, two female teenagers with way too much makeup, they looked even older than me, white haired woman with her son... STOP.

Look again: white haired woman with her daugh... Hm, there should be an answer. Carefully, I took another look. It's not like I like to stare at others and just a few days before someone glowered at me just because I had dared to look in her face :roll:. It was actually a bit scary. Maybe I had been a little curious about her lecture. Lots of pages with lots of handwriting. But hey: public place, people might take a look. And by the way, it was the worst handwriting I had ever seen, and I have seen plenty of bad handwriting, hard to read, up to indecipherable. Still no reason to hate and scare others. Actually, I just wanted to talk to someone and the handsome guy had just left the train, but em, where did I stop:

So I took another look at this human being around 16 to 20 and tried to determine the gender.
But what can I say,
hair: brown, short, tousled, use a comb every now and then! Glasses: too big for a woman, too red for a man, too ugly to wear (but that's my opinion :lol: ). Trousers: black jeans, strange fit (but that's again my opinion :P). Jacket: rain coat, wide, blue, Wolfskin. I would love to have one of their jackets :D... And the shoes: sneakers, of course. Everyone wears sneakers nowadays :roll:...

So still no clue. And this person just sat there, doing nothing while the mum was going around and talked. I gave up. I would never know :(. But at least I had arrived. But then, on my way out of the train I caught a glimpse of something small and shiny at the nose.

Hah, got ya :P! Tried to hide your gender, but you failed :twisted:!


And by the way, I finally updated my Ipod :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

All about Frogs

Sometimes, reading a newspaper can really make you happy, like this morning when I found this article in our local paper:

Click here for full article.

Yeah, I know, it's German :P. Local paper... so this is the content (basically):

Toad Tunnel Planning

Langeoog (one of the East Frisian Islands): The accident statistics reveal: every year, toad migration causes lots of collisions near the dike. Within the last six and a half years, the Agency for Nature Protection counted 542 deaths plus 97 severely injured toads and amphibians because of cyclists and pedestrians. In coorporation with Prof. Dr. Franz Joseph Wiesenkraut they decided: This has to stop!

Langeoog finally decided to stop this tragedy

Now they found a solution: To minimize the accidents, they are going to build toad tunnels under the dikes. An additional problem, the enormous costs, seems already be solved: Langeoog decided to work together with famous rabbit breeder and captain H.Schröder.

These special orange coloured dig rabbits are going to dig the tunnels.
That will save the Island a six-figure sum.

He found a way to use the natural behavior of rabbits. They will dig the tunnels.

This problem has been known for years and I'm so glad they are finally going to do something about it :).



(Snow Flurry)

All winter long, we waited for this, but just now Johanna brought it to us:


This year's Easter has been the snowiest for ages.
Over night, everything was covered in snow.
Within hours, nature dressed in perfect white.

The following is for you, Avi Wetterfrosch.
Well, for obvious reason :P

Enjoy :)

Last but not least I want to introduce this guy to you, Klaas. He wasn't the most beautiful Snowman in the world, but, eh, decide for yourself. Unfortunately, he's already gone :(. He melted away in the midday sun...

Goodbye Klaas,
you will be missed...
See you next winter :)

Hurt my Feelings

Happy Easter to everyone :). Hope you enjoy it with your friends and family. By the way, we finally got snow this day! Hurray! Well, a little late...

UPDATE: It's already gone :(

But before I'll go outside and make a snowman, I will serve my family a premiere: self-made tortellini. It's Easter after all :). Right now my tortellini dough is resting and it looks good...

Yes, certain someone who won't be named, it looks great and will taste even better, I'm confident :P. What am I talking about? I invited this certain someone and she won't show up. No mousse au chocolat for you :twisted:.

It was delicious :D!

Yummy :D


Yes, I've been tagged too and yes, Avi, watch out :P. We will seek revenge...

So I guess I will have to tell you five things about me. Here it is

1. My eye color is blue grey

2. I love music for strings, especially the sound of celli (I'm a cellist).

3. My twin sister had a bruise on her nose when she was born. They blamed it on me (and I think they are right).

4. And it's true: I love maths.

5. This is my Easter chocolate victim :D:


(spring awakening)

Sorry, duit, no article about literature, you'd be better anyway :).

Yes, I stole that title, but that's exactly what I wanted to say.
It must have happened the other day, and now you can't miss it anymore: Winter's over, spring's just begun.

I found proof :):

Frühlingserwachen (Spring Awakening) is a play by the German writer Frank Wedekind (1864-1918 )

(too bad, I can't use Umlaute in the title :()

Summer 2006: Paris

Just some pictures :).

duit83 doesn't want me to write about it, well, not alone
(I think she doesn't want me to tell the truth :()...

However, take a look:

La Seine.

(That's right before duit83 nearly took a bath in there,
of course accidentally :P)

La Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

An impressive buildung. We went inside, trying to cool down a bit (it was a really hot day),
but there were so much people inside, it was even hotter... and it was noisy.

La Tour Eiffel.

L'Arc de Triomphe
