Hey you all, hope you are all ok and have a nice weekend :). I think it's just about time for a new blog and here it is. Not quite the one I wanted to post, but I rearranged things. Frogs or Paris are still waiting in line, next to others aswell :)...
Alright, here we are:
Yesterday, I spent another hour of my life in another train for another trip back home for the weekend. Usually, it's not that bad: I have my Ipod, I have a book, something to eat or drink to kill this hour. Yesterday, I was really tired. At 5 am I had given up trying to find some sleep, mostly because of a cold or hayfever, ask me in a few days what it is :(.
So I wasn't in the mood for reading, and then I realised that the kind of music I wanted to listen to was not on my Ipod. Yeah, I know. I call this great piece of technology my own for quite a few weeks now and still there is plenty of space to fill. What can I say, I'm oldfashioned, still preferring these things called compact discs (the older among you may know still know them :P).
So I looked around and at my fellow passengers. Although Friday, there were not many people around. Older guy with newspaper, young guy with dog, woman with a sleeping baby, two female teenagers with way too much makeup, they looked even older than me, white haired woman with her son... STOP.
Look again: white haired woman with her daugh... Hm, there should be an answer. Carefully, I took another look. It's not like I like to stare at others and just a few days before someone glowered at me just because I had dared to look in her face :roll:. It was actually a bit scary. Maybe I had been a little curious about her lecture. Lots of pages with lots of handwriting. But hey: public place, people might take a look. And by the way, it was the worst handwriting I had ever seen, and I have seen plenty of bad handwriting, hard to read, up to indecipherable. Still no reason to hate and scare others. Actually, I just wanted to talk to someone and the handsome guy had just left the train, but em, where did I stop:
So I took another look at this human being around 16 to 20 and tried to determine the gender.
But what can I say, hair: brown, short, tousled, use a comb every now and then! Glasses: too big for a woman, too red for a man, too ugly to wear (but that's my opinion :lol: ). Trousers: black jeans, strange fit (but that's again my opinion :P). Jacket: rain coat, wide, blue, Wolfskin. I would love to have one of their jackets :D... And the shoes: sneakers, of course. Everyone wears sneakers nowadays :roll:...
So still no clue. And this person just sat there, doing nothing while the mum was going around and talked. I gave up. I would never know :(. But at least I had arrived. But then, on my way out of the train I caught a glimpse of something small and shiny at the nose.
Hah, got ya :P! Tried to hide your gender, but you failed :twisted:!
And by the way, I finally updated my Ipod :)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
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