andyandy1's forum posts
That's not a case...that looks like what's called "screen armor" from Pelican products ( and I can tell you right now, YOU DON'T WANT IT!
Pelican products for the most part are crap to begin with, but this particular item has two thumb screws that are supposed to line up with the screw holes in the top of your PSP. I bought one with my PSP and was surprised to find that the screws didn't line up properly and when they were securely tightened, they put pressure on the release latch for the UMD door. This kept the door from opening and closing properly, and when I loosened the screws a bit, it didn't feel like it was very secure.
This is the case I use and recommend... ( It's the Logitech PlayGear Pocket case. Hard pastic shell, molded rubber interior, and you can put a skin inside between the rubber and plastic to customize it. (I have a skin from Mega Man: Powered Up in mine, and also have a Viewtuful Joe: Red Hot Rumble skin if I should ever decide to swap it out.) It's quite rugged and not much bigger than the system itself.
That should answer your question...unless you're referring to the white PSP, and then we have a whole different discussion on our hands.
Actually I wanted just a screen protector because I dont want to have alot of bulk, it looked cool because it was so smooth looking, I dont want a clard case because i think those look dumb, any other sugestions, I might get the Hori one then.
This case was posted by Sparkyroadkill and I just wanted to know what it was called because I want to buy one.
There is an update which allows full backwards compatibilty...Sacred-Snow
no there isnt
Here's mine. Nothin much, just used ma new hat as my wallpaper :)
Where can I do some of those themes or ones like it?Â
So I have to do a five page comparitive essay on these two movies, the only thing is that I dont have them. Anyone that has seen throne of blood, does Macbeth (Chow) kill Banquo (Sam) because I dont remember that scene and it would be a good diffrence? I will have more questions soon probably so dont be afriaid to stick around.andyandy1
In the book form of Macbeth, Banquo was killed by three murderers, but how/who kills him in Throne of Blood?
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