[QUOTE="GFahim"]1st of all, where the heck did u get ur info that due to science contradicting with Islam, the christians took the lead during the dark and middle ages. in fact, some scientific facts that have been mentioned in the Quran still supports the recent discoveries today. for example, man made of water, the stages of wind formations, the menstrual period, the ant communication and so on and im sure some facts in the Quran will keep supporting more scientific discoveries in the future as time goes by (and they have). just read this: http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/scientific_index.html
secondly, do u even know what the word 'Jihad' means? it looks like u got ur answer from the media and not from the arabic dictionary eh? it means 'to strive/struggle' (for e.g) in the path of Islam or anything. it doesn't flippin mean violence!
u said Muhammed (may peace and blessings be upon him) was illiterate and ur right. so don't u think its a miracle that even at that state, he was able to read and write the whole of the Quran to all of mankind? it looks kind of unbelievable to u which explains why u have made such false claims.
thirdly, who the 'f' cares about what happened to ur iranian friend? u can't judge us 1.8 billion Muslims in the world by the actions of this guy u know? ...and the actions of the so called'extreme Islamists (heh! it makes me laugh that they use this 'Islamist' word! that's not even a word! its made up!)
and finally, i just like to point out that the guy who made the book, 'satanic verses' is a piece of trash (don't worry, i don't want to kill him! ;)) imo and that u my friend should really open your mind and do jihad (strive) to find out the truth!;)
First, the western world did not surpass the Islamic worlds scientific status until after the middle ages, when sceintific research was no longer held in as high regard in Islam, partially due to contradictions that began to come out. (No I haven't read the Koran, but if every religious fact completely agrees with scientific fact without at least a little interpretation of the book, I would be amazed). Or perhaps you can come up with a better reason the most scientifically advanced culture in the world decided that science wasn't as important during the enlightenment. But I would never deny that much of Islam is in agreement with science, far more than dogmatic christianity ever has.
Jihad may not literally mean "Holy War" but who cares what the literal meaning is. As far as I know a Jihad was declared against all unbelievers in the Book of the Law, which indeed may have meant strggle rather than bloodshed. Yet the Prophet certainly managed to spill some blood before and leading up to his control of Mecca. Or how about Muslims that convert to christianity being murdered in the middle east, sounds violent to me. Further, Jihad's today are quite often violent affairs. But even that is beside the point. Why does anyone who interprets the Koran become an enemy, someone the followers of Islam must struggle against, as it were, rather than listen to at least enough to know whether what they say has some thought behind it.
I have no disbelief in the Prophets inspiration, however he did not write the Book of the Law, he dictated it, others wrote it. And all I was trying to say is that if people are gonna bash the bible for being altered or being imperfect, the Koran isn't a shining example of pure literature either. It is possible at least (even if, as I know, Muslims say that the Koran is perfect, but how does this make them different from fundamental christians) that there could be errors in it, or that people could have changed it.
And if your had read the entire section where I talk about incest, you will see that I say it is a cultural document, that it expresses ideas outside what we take for granted today. Then I cited a couple of examples (one a christian, one a Muslim) of modern incest to show that just because many people in the Western World look down on it, it is still an active aspect of human culture, one I neither condone nor look down on, just state as existing.
Who cares if that guy is a piece of trash, isn't that just your opinion. One of my best friends is a Muslim that lives in Turkey and he was quite impressed with the "Satanic Verses." And even if he is definitely a piece of trash, why does his book, his thought on Islam require a struggling against him, a Holy War, anything. You don't see christians all up in arms against Richard Dawkins for saying people that believe in God are stupid.
Now, lets chill. I was trying to present the view that Islam isn't such a perfect religion any more than any other. That doesn't make it bad or any worse than any other belief system. I respect it, I respect it's adherants, and I see it as one of the paths to truth and enlightenment that an individual may follow. I was simply trying to correct the individual that went off on the utter perfection of Islam and why it's better than every other religion on the planet.
Wasn't Moses a blood-thirsty guy? You don't know **** about Jihad.
Hmm, most of the media bashes Richard Dawkins, aka CNN, and FOX, who are a bunch of Christians that don't know ****
Btw, ISLAM IS perfect when talking about Science, NOTHING contradicts SCIENCE! The ONLY THING that may or may not is that we all came from Adam & Eve, but we don't know the truth about the origins of Humans yet so we can't discuss that! Islam is better than every religion on the planet cause it's a book that has no contradictions, does not conflict with Science, and has nothing in it against humanity, you don't see a daughter sleeping with her father in it do you?
Quoted by Siddiqui (Gamespot User)
Bismillahir rahman nirrahim Islam does NOT say believe or die. Islam forbids forced conversions. God says in the Quran "There is no compulsion in religion" [2:256.]What religion you practice is your choice. Even God only deals with you after you have already made the choice and lived your whole life. Jihad is allowed but there are strict, well defined rules. I've posted this elsewhere: Regarding the Rules of Engagement of Jihad It's true that throughout the world today there are Muslims that fail to follow the rules of engagement of jihad as it is taught in Islam. This is unacceptable. Muhammad [peace be upon him] and his followers were brutally tortured, persecuted and killed for 13 years but when they were given orders they would follow them. We read in Surah 2, verses 190 of the Qur'an: So... what are these "limits" mentioned in the verse? The Prophet is narrated to have said, "Fight for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, but do not steal [from the captured goods], and do not commit treachery, nor mutilate [the dead], or kill a child, or those who reside in [Jewish and Christian] houses of worship." (Narrated in the compiled hadiths of the prophet by Imam Muslim.) The Prophet [peace be upon him] is reported to have said, "Muslims, go forth in the name of Allah, and fight in the cause of Allah. Do not defraud in the matter of the spoils, nor cheat the enemy. Do not mutilate the enemy dead nor kill women or children or monks or priests, nor those who have arrived at extreme old age. Always try to improve people's condition and behave benevolently towards them. Allah loves the benevolent." In his time, Hazrat Abu Bakr [the elected first political successor to the Prophet] used to add: "Leave alone those who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and also that to which they are dedicated; do not cut down fruit trees, nor ruin an inhabited place." Therefore these are the rules: 1. Fight people who fight you. Regarding Abu Bakr's added reminders, the following can be assumed given the twelve rules already mentioned: All of this is an elaboration and extension of the first verse [2:190] regarding fighting in Islam [mentioned above.] All subsequently revealed verses must be considered in conjunction with these verses to be properly understood. If I wrote anythinggood it's from God, so praise Him. If I wrote anything wrong it's from me so forgive me and may God forgive me as well.
In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind.
*{Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you, but do not go beyond the limits. Allah does not love those who practice aggression.}*
This was the first verse concerning fighting. ALL other verses about Jihad must be read while keeping this first one in mind.
2. Do not practice aggression.
3. Do not break treaties [a.k.a. 'commit treachery.']
4. Do not mutilate bodies.
5. Do not kill women.
6. Do not kill children.
7. Do not kill Jews and Christians in their houses of worship [they have nothing to do with the fighting - so this is just rule 1 emphasized for priests, monks, etc.]
8. Do not kill the elderly.
9. Improve the conquered people's condition.
10. Behave kindly towards them.
11. Do not fight fellow Muslims [seems obvious, but you'd be surprised...]
12. Do not take more than your share from the captured goods [a.k.a. dropped "loot."]
13. Do not destroy crops [rules 9 and 10.]
14. Do not destroy inhabited buildings [again, rules 9, 10.]
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