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andyscully Blog

Ultimate Gaming Setup.

Check me out with my gaming set up.  Pretty Chief right? I know what your thinking ... "Is that a Master Chief holding up his games?"  Why yes indeed it is.

My we have come a very long way.

Fight Night Round 3 is Awesome.  I was up real late last night playing carer mode.  Nice, now I can face real boxers in carer mode.  I dont get the Gamespot review, someone got that one wrong.  An 8.3 when last years got an 8.9 and I think FNR3 on PS2 got an 8.2.  WTF???  Gamespot you disappoint me.  Oh well.  Mike Tyson is not in the game but that didnt keep me from creating a boxer like the Kid Dynamite and taking him online to KO Ali last night before i went to bed.  Cant wait to get off work today and play some more.

Brad Davis is TERRIBLE at Street Fighter

I cant wait for Street Fighter 2 to come to Xbox Live Arcade.  I have played more Marvel vs. Capcom 2 than anything else.  They really need to be porting that game but , its not a perfect world.  I expect this game to be very very popular, hopefully it will inspire more game developers to port their older games to the Live Arcade.  How about some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  4 Player co-op on live.  OMG that would be sick. 

PS.  Fight Night comes out today.  I hope that by the time I get to EB they still have some copies left.

I own you at Geometry Wars.

I just put up the sickest score of all time.  Well its no 16 million but its 922,045.  I just broke 500,000 the other day.  Now most of the time when I play its not this big.  You gotta get in the zone, good music, relax, and quit while your ahead.  Every time I have gotten a score I was proud of it was like on a whip that I was even playing. Like last night, I was just showing the game off to my Brother (who really isnt into video games)  I died a few times kind of early but just kept playing and talking to my bro.  Next thing I new I was beating my old high score and I still had like 6 lives left.  My brother had no idea that he was witnessing a moment in gaming history.

Ok so some tips from the pro.  Good music, I use old school video game songs, some covers some origional. Minibosses and The Advantage, google it. I made a sick soundtrack. Songs from Megaman will really get me "in the zone"  Dont focus and try too hard.  This game does not take much concentration.  Every time I try to sit down and get a sick score it never happens.  Just relax, kick your feet up, groove to your music and enjoy the game.  Before you know it , it will start to get easy.  Quit while your ahead.  I have never gotten a good score after playing for longer than 10 min.  You always get your best score like your second to third try out.  After that its always downhill for me.  WEll good luck.

on a side note I have Gamespotting in my friends list, I never thought I would beat his score of almost 800,000.  Well..... Yes I know , im the man.

Killing Time

Happy Valentines Day.  What do you think of the new pics??  I was going for a more old school feel.  I miss playing those classic games over and over again.  What happened?  Now when I finish a game it ends up collecting dust untill it gets traded in for something else.  Why is that?  I could play a game like Ninja Gaiden or Zelda over and over again.  How many times did you beat Super Mario Brothers??  The only games that have replay value nowadays are fighting games and FPS online.  Even madden is loosing its allure now that football season is over.  Oh well, Oblivion, Fight Night and Ghost Recon are just around the corner.  They should keep me busy for a while.  Happy Gaming

Dead or Alive at its Best.

Tag Battle online with Random.  I have been playing this game for many years now including past installments.  I have never had as much fun with it as I have had for the past several nights playing tag battles online.  I dont know why I always avoided the tag feature.   When your kicking ass with a partner you have more room to tallk junk.  Its soo fun with people you know.  Going random is just to keep things from getting repetitive,.  Half the fun for me was seeing who I ended up with.  Check it out.  Its kind of aggravating to get going because most people dont know how to set it up.  You not only need to choose tag mode but you also need to pair up. Im sure its in the insert book, read up.  See you online.

New DS?????????????

I just got a DS, WTF???  Nintendo , how are you gonna release the most awesomest bundle with mario kart and three months later come out with a new redesign?  I love my red DS but when playing at work under the bright overhead neon lights I can hardly see the screen.  A brighter screen would be really nice.  Its also white, like an ipod and and xbox 360.  So do you get any credit for trading in a DS right now?  Well I think im gonna hold on to mine for a while anyway.  Its coming out in Japan in march so we might not see it for a while.  Anyway , just wanted to rant on about this.  Here is a link to IGN's story in it.  Enjoy.

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