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andyscully Blog



enter that into Windows run program.  Its StarWars in Text.  I dont know how much of the movie it is but I have been watching it for 5 min. now. 

Mario Kart for the DS... Its so great.  If any of your friends make fun of you for being an adult playing your DS have them try mario kart.  If they refuse quit being friends with that person, they suck. But if they try it, they wont make fun of you any more, but you may have to fight them to get your DS back.

The Search is over.

I had no idea yesterday would be the day I would once again be the owner of a 360. I called every retail store in town, some were rude , most were not helpful at all.  On XGP forums (best forums in the world) some one had a link to a Best Buy page that told you when stores in your area were getting stock in.  It said BB of Greenville had some so I called back. Sure enough when I said I saw online that they had some the same girl I had talked to before fessed up and said they did have some.  I called my Brother and told him he had to rush down to BB cause I was stuck at work.  Oh man the wait was intense.  When he called and asked if I wanted a core or a premium I almost wet myself.  I said, make it a premium.  What was I thinking with that core?  The remote is so nice and having a hard drive is awsome.  Its gonna hurt my credit card now that im free to download anything I want.   A note to parents , if you dont want your children blowing up your credit card with live arcade games and 360 themes , dont get the hard drive.  I was able to get back Gemoetry wars without having to payagain, and now I also have robotron and smash TV.  IS that enough arcade shooter action for ya?  Well just wanted to fill everyone in and say IM BACK.  Dead or Alive is awsome, everyone is invited over to try it, just BYOC.  Bring Your Own Controller.

On the Hunt.. Again.

Just got paid and that means time to buy another 360.  Its killing me not having one.  Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.  Nope.  Now that I know how great it is to have a 360 thats all that I want to play.  Even my new DS is starting to loose its luster.  I love my DS but my eyes hurt I have been playing it so much.  I need something more substantial to feed my gaming habit. I have called all over town , It looks like Best Buy and Wal-Mart are the only ones getting regular weekly shipments.  I may be able to get one from Eb but its still in the works.  Dont wanna say anything for sure yet.  Wish I had a week off to persue this 360 thing.  I just know one is gonna be avaliable but I wont be able to go and pick it up.  Where are your good friends when you need them???  Oh they will show up when I get this system back in my house.

360 Stolen.

So im working on my birthday and if thats not bad enough someone breaks into my house and steals my 360.  Very crappy birthday indeed.  Well to make myself feel better I baught a nintendo DS.  Mario Kart is Awsome.  Well this is a short blog.  not much else to say.  Still kind of depressed about the loss.

Its All About the Tunes

I was calling songs tunes way before there was an iTunes.  But now I feel like im selling apple products every time I use the word.  Im gonna start calling songs Diddys now.  Well that sounds like P-Diddy.  Forget it.

Anyway when you have the right tunes to listen to while your gaming it can make all the difference.  My best score in Geometry Wars was achieved while jamming to some mega man covers by the Advantage.  Since then I continue to get sick scores only when playing mega man covers in the back ground.  I made a nice soundtrack comprised of a mix from the Advantage, Minibosses and some music right out of the 8-Bit Games.  Some of those songs really rocked for the simple tools game developers had to work with.  One song that I found on Limewire that really kicks is Shadow Man's Theme from Mega Man 3.  Download it now.    Its Guaranteed to increase your score in Geometry Wars by 100,000 points.

Kudos to the 360 for the ability to sinc with an iPod or Mp3 player.  Just another feature that makes this a true next gen system.

Pondering the Gamerscore

Worked on my gamerscore this weekend , not just by playing more games but looking up the **** achievements like "take a photo in every town" in Project Gotham.  There are several real numb nutz ones I had just missed.  One was an achievement I had seen my firends had unlocked in Madden.  It said "enter the history books"  so I though that ment I had to break all kinds of records in my franchise and get my name in the history books.  I have been playing like hell trying to do it to.  Well I decided to go into the history books to see if I had made it yet.  Well I got the achievements just by going into the history book.  LAME. I was wondering what my jerkass friend Brad is gonna do when he finally gets his 360.  By that time I hope my gamerscore is through the roof.

My 360 Story

I was writing this really long blog about the days leading up to launch, how I had a preorder but then used it to buy Burnout Revenge (Great Decicion since EB got hardly any 360s at launch) How on the day before launch I still had no money or hopes of getting a system, unitll my boss got all siked out over Tiger Woods and offered to lend me the money to get a 360. Anyone who is reading this , (all 2 people) already know most of this. Anyway. 

Wal-Mart on Nov.21st I waited in line for 9 hours.  All day we heard so many different stories about how many premiums there were vs. cores.  Some said Two P and 10 C.  I thought this had to be backwards since Microsoft said they would push more Ps than Cs.  Well as it turns out around 11 pm they told us there were only 12 systems and all cores.  WTF???? no hard drives eithor.  Well I was pissed but looking around at all the sad faces of people with no hopes of getting a system at all I decided it was now or never,.  I had to get it TONIGHT. 

The rest is gaming history. Oh and here is a link to a spot on the Daily Show about the 360 Launch.

Why I loved the Dreamcast

For a short life span this system had some killer title...

Toy Comander
Dead or Alive
Soul Calibur
Phantasy Star Online (this was also free and accessed through dail up)
Sonic, and the chao game in the VMU.... oh man the VMU .

Sega 2K Sport games... All of them. And like 2 years worth

Crazy Taxi

Gauntlet Legends (first time it was fun on a console)

House of the Dead 2

REsident Evil Code V.

Jet Grind Radio

All the tony hawk games were best on the dreamcast at the time.

and last but not least Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2, both came out on dreamcast and nothing else. The xbox version is no better than the dreamcast version.

Dont forget the VMUs , ahead of thier time. Choosing football plays on them instead of on the TV where you gave away your moves was awsome. I took the Chao game with me to class all the time. In SC I used to get a kick out of the little mini version of you on the VMU that would move every time you attacked.

WEll Im tired of typing now and need to get to work. thats enough about a console however great is still dead. I miss you dreamcast. and your little orange swirley thing.

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