For a short life span this system had some killer title...
Toy Comander
Dead or Alive
Soul Calibur
Phantasy Star Online (this was also free and accessed through dail up)
Sonic, and the chao game in the VMU.... oh man the VMU .
Sega 2K Sport games... All of them. And like 2 years worth
Crazy Taxi
Gauntlet Legends (first time it was fun on a console)
House of the Dead 2
REsident Evil Code V.
Jet Grind Radio
All the tony hawk games were best on the dreamcast at the time.
and last but not least Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2, both came out on dreamcast and nothing else. The xbox version is no better than the dreamcast version.
Dont forget the VMUs , ahead of thier time. Choosing football plays on them instead of on the TV where you gave away your moves was awsome. I took the Chao game with me to class all the time. In SC I used to get a kick out of the little mini version of you on the VMU that would move every time you attacked.
WEll Im tired of typing now and need to get to work. thats enough about a console however great is still dead. I miss you dreamcast. and your little orange swirley thing.
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