if you buy the x1 to just use netflix, you should be put away for your own safety.
You are not paying twice to use netflix you tool, you are paying for gold which just lets you use netflix among other things. You going to tell me the x1 will be the only way you can use netflix?
no we're not saying it's ok for people to do it. What we are saying is if it's so bad and means so much to people like you, then you should be closing off every avenue where it can be done.
What we see is you people picking and choosing what items to boycott.
but that's ok because MS isn't behind it. No hypocrisy here. They're ok with people spying on them as long as it isn't ms.
What we don't know is if the kinect will spy, what we do know is that Sony did spy on it's customers-rootkit. So it seems like some people just like to pick and choose what they are outraged acount cough...northarrow..cough.
my old sony lcd begs to differ. Almost caught fire due to a defect that caused a recall. Nothing like going to change the lamp and finding the whole case looked like a melted T-1000
angryguy77's comments