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anime_gamer007 Blog

Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIII - Hour 12

Okay, I'm gonna try to make this actually as quick as possible and not lie like I did last time. So I picked up FF13 yesterday and so far I've log 12 hours in the game (Yes I am a no lifer :P). I figured give a rundown of my experience thus far by highlighting "milestone marks". I'll be doing this thorough my entire playthrough going by 5 hour increments and telling guys my thoughts along the way. In the end, this will basically be my most indepth review EVAR! But don't worry no spoilers, I hate spoilers as much as the next guy.

My thoughts? First 3 hours, total BS. Seriously wanted to just turn off my PS3 and call it a day, but the name of the title and the promise of getting better forced me to press onwards.

Hour 8? Finally got some interesting mechanics to use and I starting to have some enjoyment but I would hardly call it liking the game. It was getting better and I hope this would continue......

Hour 10? OH YES IT DID! Got my first Summon and could use and felt like a total badass! Lightning's character is given more background and the game actual starts to go indepth with the characters/motivations etc. Hope isn't such a whiny, crybaby anymore and is actually starting to become a likeable character but still Lightning my favorite so far.

Hour 12? Finally, the FF13 I wanted.....well kinda. The game still has it's increcible linearity to it and while it doesn't completely ruin the game for me, it's easily the biggest shortcoming. That being said the battle system is finally starting to get as complex and awesome as these reviewers said it was. Maybe this is just because I came off a really great boss fight but suffice to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying this only took 12 hours :roll:

So in short? The 2 biggest shortcomings for me is the EXTREME linearity, it's just linear it's super linear, you barely have enough room to walk (no joke) and the pacing. The first 8 hours are so mind numbly slow and will undoubtedly piss off fans and any hardcore gamer. The treats you as if you never played a game before let alone an RPG. However I really do love the characters in this story with the exception of Hope but he's getting there, the world(at least what you get to see) is truly breath taking with some moments where I was left in awe, the story is finally going somewhere and the battle system is gaining depth and strategy at a fast rate. Another thing I wanted to touch on was the cutscenes. They rival FF7: Advent Children and I think they might actually be better, the cinematic awesomeness of this game cannot be denied. I love me some CG cutscenes.

POTENTIAL BUYERS BEWARE! : You probably won't start truly enjoying the game until the 10 hour mark. You won't even picture yourself having fun until the 8 hour mark. You'll hate the first 3-5 hours with a fiery passion. The opening cutscene is awesome though!

So there you go. Take from this what you will, personally I find FF13 a difficult game to describe how I feel about it. I'll be doing another one of this at either the 15 hour mark or the 20 hour mark and then follow a pattern of every 5 hours.

I love Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares!

Okay, I'm gonna try to make this quick and to the point.............ish.

So, I bought the new RE5 DLC because I was interested into it and needed to get rid of that $8 that was lingering on my account. And man am I extremely pleased with this. I usually expect DLC to be the developers way of saying "I like money, I like money a lot please pay $10 for something that easily could have been in game". But this is not that at all. Sure it could have been in the story mode and sure it could have been longer but that hour and half of content is Capcom's love letter to the fans. They're basically saying "Yes we know RE5 wasn't scary and was more like a third person shooter than a survival horror game. Well here's Lost in Nightmares. Have fun.........and try not to wet yourselves" Lost in Nightmares is fan service at it's best. If you've played through RE1 and loved it, YOU NEED TO PLAY Lost in Nightmares! You need to! This DLC actually more scary and more atmospheric than any section in RE5 or probably even RE4. I love the references to the original. For example, it's not really a reference but I feel Capcom put it in for a reason. During the chapter there'll be sections were Jill gets to lock pick just like she did in the original. As soon as I saw this I immediatley thought of Barry's line "Here you take this. It'll be more useful to you since you're the master of unlocking!". There's tons of other references but I won't spoil them for people who want to play the DLC. There's also a Mercenaries Reunion which includes Barry Burton and Excella. I think Barry is my new favourite character in all of the Mercenaries modes in any RE. He beats out Krauser in RE4. Why? HE FREAKIN' HEAD BUTTS PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF! He also has a move called the Barry Sandwich. I'm looking forward to playing as Rebecca in the next DLC pack.

I hope the next Resident Evil installment ,which I heard is a reboot but I don't think that's confirmed, is more like Lost in Nightmares than RE5. I was genuinely scared while playing it and I've had the most co-op fun I've ever had playing Mercenaries Reunion. The only thing missing is Jill in her STARS outfit, oh and we can't forget that tube top and mini skirt she wore in RE3 :P

P.S. I have a slightly more in depth review up here

End of a Decade and my Game of the Year!

All right, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays whatever. Well it's coming on the end of 2009 and the end of the decade(which I didn't realize until about a day ago). So, I'd figure I'd do something mildly cool, pretty much just for those people for are drunk off their ass during the holidays at 2:00am coming on to the internet to find porn but instead miraculously stumbled upon my mediocre blog. Oh and for my friends on Gamespot too.

10 Games of 10 Years! THAT'S RIGHT! I'm doing my favourite games of each of the years in this decade. Now, I was orginally going to do a Top 10 of my favourite games of the decade but I love a lot games in different ways and it just isn't fair to compared ALL games in the spend of 10 years. So comparing games within the same year is perfectly fair though right? :P

2000 Game of the Year

Resident Evil CODE: Veronica (DC)

Possibly the best game on the belated Dreamcast (may it rest in piece, along with Sonic's dignity). While it was a weaker entry in my favourite survival horror franchise, it is a really well done game without any real flaws besides not being as good as the previous installments. Plus it brought back the cool, badass Albert Wesker everyone loved before he became Neo.

2001 Game of the Year

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)

This also another game that is a weaker link in the series but is seriously one of the best PS2 games ever. The number one complaint with this're not Snake. Instead *SPOILER ALERT!* Raiden a rookie and sometimes whiny operative who isn't nearly as interesting as the legendary Solid Snake.

2002 Game of the Year

Resident Evil remake (GC)

Damn, did Capcom do a number on this game. Everything that was awesome about the previous RE games was completely refined in this one to make it the BEST traditional RE game. Huge props to Capcom for taking this ****c PS1 and redoing it for the Gamecube(which is a bit weird by the way, why not on PS2?). THIS IS SURVIVAL HORROR!

2003 Game of the Year

Halo: Combat Evolved (PC)

Yes, it's like the only PC game I've really played much of. I mainly played it on the Xbox but I still own it on PC. I'll never forget the hours I spend with my cousin playing split screen and the amount of fun I had. I've lost interest in the series and now it just looks like Microsoft is using it as a cash cow but I'll still remember the good ol' days.

2004 Game of the Year

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater(PS2)

A lot of great games came out that year but the one that stood on top for me was Metal Gear Solid 3. This was actually the first MGS game I ever played and damn what good one to start with. I'm glad it's a prequel because if I had have started playing MGS with MGS2 I would have been totally lost. Regardless, I was never so engrossed into a game's story until I played this game. It's such a fantastic game, a must play by anyone.

2005 Game of the Year

TIE! Resident Evil 4(GC) and Shadow of the Colossus(PS2)

This was probably one of the best years for gamers in recent memory. I still can't choose a GOTY for 2005, so guess what? It's a tie! Resident Evil 4 and Shadow of the Colossus. RE4 is shooter/horror gameplay perfected in my eyes with a ton of unlocks, I have honestly spend more time on this game than anyone should ask. Then SotC, I never looked the same way at gaming after I played this game. It's a weird and hard game to explain, it sucks you in and gets you so immersed you feel like you've done what the Wanderer did in this game. I love both games so much and both are so different I can't pick a favourite.

2006 Game of the Year

Okami (PS2)

This game took the Zelda fomula and beat Nintendo at their own game by kicking Twilight Princess's ass. I really love the Ancient Japan setting and the story is epic but the thing you notice about the game is it's graphics. The game looks like a painted canvas. So much attention as paid to details in the environments, characters and sound that it becomes more than a game. It's an epic adventure across the land of the rising sun.

2007 Game of the Year

Bioshock (Xbox 360/PS3)

Now, I originally played the PS3 version of BioShock but it's very similar to the 360 version from what I know. Man, this game..........what an achievement. This game truly set the standards for graphics, immersive, gameplay, sound, art design, you name it, BioShock set a standard for it except multiplayer of course. It truly has no flaws it what so ever as far as I'm concerned. Some say the story is one you'll never forget but for me it was completely the world that I will never forget. From the blood stained hallways of the Medical Pavillion to the Big Daddy factory of Point Prometheus, Rapture is a world I'll never forget.

2008 Game of the Year

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

No amount of hype I could have possibly had would have made me disappointed from MGS4. This game is truly a masterpiece and is the perfect ending to the Metal Gear saga. Hideo Kojima should officially go down in the books as a mastermind of our time. I never would have thought ANYONE could wrap up all the loose ends made by MGS2 and make them connected to MGS3. No one else could have done a better job.

2009 Game of the Year

This was actually a tough one when inFamous came out I was like "Oh nothing can beat this" then Batman came out and I was like "GOTY confirmed" then Uncharted 2 came out and I was like "DAMN! OMGWTFBBQ! Best game of 2009 BY FAR!" but now I started playing Killzone 2 again. I'm really divided on which one deserves Game of the Year, Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. I play games for fun and pure entertainment occasionally you'll get a game that's thought provoking but not very often. No games this year were really thought provoking it was like all the big games this year where equivalent to a popcorn flick. Uncharted 2 had the best single player experience this year while Killzone 2 had the best multiplayer. I'll get more bang for my buck with Killzone 2 but that bang is bigger with Uncharted 2. Since I always say "Single player trumps multiplayer any day" I'll have to go with Uncharted 2.

Alrighty then! That concludes my list of my favourites games of the 2000s. Here's to another year and another decade of gaming. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year........ish!

Why I hate CoD: World at War! RAGE QUIT!

The image above is the result of a RAGE QUIT! :evil:

I can safely say World at War has some of the worst multiplayer if not the WORST multiplayer I`ve ever played. (This includes Far Cry 2 and GTA4). I threw this case at my closet and it literally sliced right through a hanger and hit the wall. The game was in the PS3(unfornately:() The game is just so unbalanced and has terrible host selection. I know my wireless internet isn`t the best(I`m upstairs, my router is downstairs) some days it`s only around 50% or so but still. I play Battlefield 1943/Bad Company and there's never lag or any problems connection wise. But on World at War, the lag is atrocious although I can't say much else for COD4.

I just hope in MW2 they fix these problems with lag and find better host selection or dare I say.............SERVERS(dun dun dah dunnnnnn!). "Hope" is the reason why I'm holding off on buying Modern Warfare 2 and waiting until some player feedback. Screw these so called review sites.

Don't ya just love colds :(

So, I got a cold or flu. That's great, I've missed 2 days of school and it's gonna a pain in the ass trying to catch up. I used to actually fake sick(what kid hasn't?) so I could stay home and just play videogames all day. Now I have way too much work to do at school and I get a lot of information each day so I hate missing classes but what can ya do? I think I got the cold from my brother who sneeze directly on to me.He just walked up to me on Sunday or Monday and sneezed on me. I'm like "Thank you, I feel it coming on right now". Honestly. the worst thing I hate about colds is the stuffed up nose. It just drives me crazy. Anyways, I just pretty much made this blog 'cause I'm stuck home here with nothing to do.

Oh, I've been playing Dead Space the past few days and it's a pretty awesome game. Not as good as Resident Evil or Silent Hill but still great. I've beaten it once and now I'm just hunting for trophies:P That's not the only reason I'm playing trough a second time(what did you think I was a trophy whore?) upgrading your guns is pretty sweet and the Military Suit you get for your second playthrough is badass as hell! Of course, I can't help but make a connection to the Storm Troopers from Star Wars and that suit. Oh well, I've noticed a lot of things in Dead Space are inspired or references from sci-fi movies. The whole Necromorphs and *SPOILER* queen/Hive Mind at the end is like Aliens and the Alien Queen at the end. The kenesis power is like the force from Star Wars and a trophy named "Don't get cocky, kid" is a reference to what Han Solo says to Luke when they're in the Millennium Falcon after they defeat all the Tie Fighters. Wow, I just turned into a total nerd just now:P Also Dead Space has A LOT of influences from other games mainly Resident Evil 4. Anways, it's a pretty good game and worth checking out, just don't expect a survival horror experience from it. It's more RE4 in that sense.

And that's pretty much all I've been up to along with school. Oh yea, I just read the hands-on for Modern Warfare 2 and it's looking pretty good. I know for sure IW will do something to make people who suck utter balls at the game have some sort of skill equalizing perk/weapon. However, I'm personally done with the COD series, I might play COD4 here and there for the multiplayer and I'll play COD:WaW for Nazi Zombies which I think is the only thing keeping WaW alive right now. I'd rather play a game that takes strategy and skill like Battlefield or Killzone 2. On the bright side MW2 looks a lot more tactical and skill based with a bigger emphisis on team work, this could work against it or in it's favour. Anyways, I know this was a bit of a random post but whatever.

Yay for Batman! Game of the Year!

Finally, after over 60 years they finally got the perfect Batman movie with The Dark Knight and now, in 2009 they got the perfect Batman game right, Batman:Arkham Asylum. I wasn't originally gonna pick up this game even when I loved the demo. I had already spent a lot of money buying a bunch of games I passed on before. However, when I saw Arkham Asylum sitting there at Wal-Mart for $40, I couldn't resist:P

So now I'm basically broke but I'm VERY happy. Batman:Arkham Aslyum is a kick-ass game! So good in fact, I'd say it's easily Game of the Year for me thus far(with inFamous lingering behind). I can only see maybe Uncharted 2 or maybe Brutal Legend beating. Also Borderlands looks pretty good but other than those games nothing else for the rest of this year looks interesting to me. So yea, Arkham Asylum is kick ass, anyone who was holding should definitely pick it up. BTW did any of you play that WET demo? I though it sucked the big one. Anyways, BUY BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM! It's ****ing awesome!

P.S. Batman is my favorite superhero!

Oh My God, BIOSHOCK, Oh My God!

What can I say? I ****ING LOVE THIS GAME! I didn't immediately buy it when it first came out for PS3 but I was looking Valkyria Chronicles and couldn't find, buying BioShock to hold me over instead I had no clue how much I'd love this game. I haven't beaten it yet, I'm at Fort Frolic and damn this game is fun. There's no real reason to this blog but to tell everyone how much I love BioShock. I bought it yesterday and went home starting playing at around 8:30-9:00pm.....I loved it so much I didn't stop playing until 4:00am this morning. I haven't played another game for that long since MGS4. I think this will definitely be on my top 10 list for my favorite videogames. What I'm truly amazed at is how it perfectly combines so many genres, you have amazing FPS action, RPG elements, survival horror feeling, platformer with the feeling of progressing to each area of Rapture and a fantastic story with characters to back it up.

To anyone who reads this: BUY BIOSHOCK! If you don't already own, just go out there and stop being a part of the problem and buy BioShock for $30 new. Don't buy it used, get it new and let the developers know you care. Even if you don't like FPS, or even if you hate FPS at least rent it and try it out. It's the perfect game to catch up on during this summer.

I Chose the Impossible, I Chose Rapture!

What is SURVIVAL horror?

I seen so many people praising Dead Space for being the "best survival horror game ever" or just calling it survival's not. Nor is Resident Evil 5, but of course EVERYONE knows that's not survival horror. Well if RE5 can't be called survival horror(I don't think it is) than neither should Dead Space. Dead Space is a science-fiction action game with horror elements, that doesn't translate into survival horror. The main reason for this blog is survival horror is one of my favorite genres in videogames and I want people to know exactly what survival horror is. And the key word in "survival horror" is "SURVIVAL horror", you need to surviving not trying kill a bunch enemies which is pretty much what you do in both RE5 and Dead Space. Some people are confusing scary with survival, just because things pop out and go BOO, doesn't means it's a survival horror game. I've seen countless posts on the forums saying "Dead Space is scary so it's a better survival horror game than RE5". That's ridiculous! Survival horror isn't about making you scared, even though it might, it's about making you THINK and playthrough with your wits not weapons. Games with puzzles and enemy placement that forces you to avoid enemy contact like RE and Silent Hill, that's survival horror!


Moral of the story: scary doesn't equal survival horror!

I hate Call of Duty 4

I hate Call of Duty 4.

I hate it.

Hate it.

HATE IT!:evil:

I really have to question if all these reviewers who were going bananas over it were being paid by IW or Activision. The single player definitely shows high quality and a big budget but the multiplayer seems incredibly rushed and of mediocre quality. In the multiplayer it really only requires a good connection to do well as COD4 hardly requires the use of aiming.........ever. You can consistently spray down opponents because it takes so few bullets to die. I like to mention that it seems everytime I use a silenced weapon the hit detection is WAY off, not that the hit detection is great to began with. Another complaint is the's terrible, there's no way to get around it, it needs some serious work in MW2.

But, with all that my biggest gripe is the thing Infinity Ward would like to call a spawn system, it's not a spawn system it's a death sentence. Literally every match if I die(likely due to random BS) I'm almost guaranteed an additional death with me spawning around like 5 enemies especially if I'm playing free for all! I was trying to get a Golden AK in this game but I after consistent games of nothing but complete BS I've made my decision to trade this game in.

In light of this, I will most certainly not be buying Modern Warfare 2 this November in fear of more BS. I'll probably rent it and test out the multiplayer myself and only if I feel it deserves my money will I buy it. Other then that, IW is not getting anymore of my money!

Well, I'm addicted to Fallout 3.....again

I just started playing Fallout 3 again but this time with Good Karma and it's pretty addicting once again. This game has an amazing amount of replay value. I think you could play through it 10 times and have a completely different experience each time. On my first save, I was the most evil person imaginable in the game. Mainly because the VATS system in the game makes it so rewarding to just go around and kill people. I would literally go to any town and see if there was a quest to complete and if there wasn't I would kill everyone in the town and raid the place. My Charisma was really low and my strength and intelligence was REALLY high, I let my Chinese Assualt Rifle do the talking for me.

However, this time around I being a complete Good Guy, so much that I even named my character "Good Guy" and it's actually still really fun. I thought at first it would have been quite boring but when you do all these good things and people like you way more, it's pretty rewarding. That's one problem I've found with games where you can choose to be Good or Evil, the Good side is always so damn boring. Even inFamous, one of the best games on the PS3, after beating it as a bad guy I started to play through as a good guy and it was really unrewarding. Even if you save someone in inFamous they still call you a terrorist and you get no compliments. That's why I'm so surprised how much fun Fallout 3 is while being good and it's a RPG, so naturally I can't put the damn thing down:P

And if anyone's wondering, no I did not blow up Megaton on my first run. I actually defused the bomb about half way through the game and thought I could change my ways and become good because everyone basically hates you in the game if you're evil. But I found out how useful my Combat Shotgun is in these situations:twisted:

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else gets addicted to games where you level up and gain xp? I think that's the reason I loved COD4 and COD:WaW so much. Of course, I only prestiged once in COD4 because right now I'm working on my Golden AK-47 and Golden M1014.

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