YAY FOR RETRO GAMING! (if you consider the Gamecube retro).
So, I finally ended up buying a GC............again. I got rid of my old one when I bought my Wii about 2 years ago. And after trading in my Wii for a PS3 about 1 year ago, I was left Gamecube-less. However, I still kept on to Resident Evil and Resident Evil Zero just in case I decided to go ahead and re-buy a Gamecube.
So after about a year of both of those games just staring at me saying "PLEASE BUY A GAMECUBE AGAIN! DON'T YOU REMEMBER HOW MUCH FUN WE WERE?", I gave in and bought one:P Not only was this a fantastic opportunity to replay those RE games but to also buy some GC games I missed out on last gen. So I ended up picking up Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Metroid Prime. But much to my surprised I also found Viewtiful Joe 2(which I thought was lost) and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door(I never played since it was originally for my brother and I had no interest into it) laying around the house. It did cost me $9 to repair Paper Mario and Viewtiful Joe 2 but it was sooooo worth it! I'm so glad I bought a GC again! Viewtiful Joe 2 is sweet platformer/beat'em up with lots of awsome(WTF is up with GS and the "s-word"?)and cool moves.Plus I noticed it's developed by Clover Studios, who also made Okami(one of my all-time favorite games) so I was pretty sure VJ2 was gonna be sweet! Also starting playing Wind Waker due to my craving for a Zelda game(since this one is actually the only one I've missed out on). It's a fantastic game but it's prettyeasy for a Zelda game and it's really "kiddy" too. Mainly because of the art direction(apparently I can't say the "s-word") but also because the game's difficulty seems a bit more aimed towards younger players. However, it's still a Zelda game and a great one of that! Finally I want touch on Metroid Prime ............... WOW! What a game this is! This game was WAY ahead of it's time in gameplay, puzzles, graphics(I still can't believe this was made in 2002!), exploration, sound design, atmosphere and just all around fun! Easily the best FPS I've ever played! It's really refreshing to play a game like Metroid Prime after so many FPS games have come out in the past year or so. Seriously, if you consider yourself a gamer then you should OWN a copy a Metroid Prime(unless you played it like 20 times which is what I did with RE4:P). Just typing about how awesome Metroid Prime is makes me want to go and start playing again. I haven't really played Paper Mario that much due to it being an RPG and once I start playing a good RPG, I don't stop until about 40 hours in!So, I wanna finish the other games before jumping onto Paper Mario(which could take awhile considering each game).
If you're wondering where I bought my GC, I got it at EBgames for $25. Pretty good deal in my opinion considering how good the RE games are and Metroid Prime. For the games, Wind Waker cost around $25 and Metroid Prime was only $10! I'm extremely happy with my purchase, especially since MP was only $10 and I already know it's one of my all time favorite games. It's a good thing I bought it too because I don't see much coming out in the next few months in terms of PS3 games. Infamous looks okay, the gameplay is looks fun but might get boring and the story and characters look pretty dull. Hopefully, White Knight Chronicles will come out in NA before the end of the summer. As for the rest the year, I'm looking forward to Mordern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3(hopefully), Heavy Rain looks interesting and BioShock 2 (still haven't played the first one, but I loved the demo).
Anyways, I think I'll play some more Metroid Prime:D
Happy gaming to everyone!
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