@armyown @vildanturic @EL_Bomberdor @Findy37564 Although I had a hard time adjusting to it. Still preferred the usual Dark, Cartoony comedy of it's predecessors.
@Dovahkiinknight @armyown @Random_Matt Exactly, there are games which are not available with these systems. Simply because of the experience. Making it a choice and preference if you actually want to play it. If you want it, then buy a console or build a gaming rig. It's that simple.
@vildanturic @Prats1993 @Adenosine A lot of gaming companies hesitate for a PC release. It's a risky venture as it can be easily pirated. And DRMs are not really a solution at all.
@GaryAtkin01 @aots_twilight Which are often seen as "Jock" characters. I don't even know why it's such a problem for sexy cheerleaders when "Jocks" are as common as they are.
@C_Glass Untrue. Not all characters are brain dead fan service. Like Samus Aran, Shanoa from Castlevania, Meryl from Metal Gear, Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Lucy Kuo and Nix from the Infamous series, Cortana from Halo.
Point is, there are characters as such that aren't part of that so called "majority". It's only a "majority" since people remember them more. But honestly there are also brain dead male jock characters as well as often as one may think. It's not as unfair as what everyone believes it to be.
aots_twilight's comments