Personally, I applaud them for concentrating on story telling. But the problem here is pointing out an ongoing issue of a so called "Gender Discrimination". Sadly this term actually is more often used for females either real or make-believe characters. Most people feel that the some female characters are over sexualized. That there is an unforeseen fear of being abused and oppressed that they tend to be overprotective when there is nothing to fear.
It's not like the females are the only one being over-sexualized in games. Kratos, Zangief, Conan the Barbarian... Aren't these some of the over-sexualized male testosterone characters? We also have the pretty boy characters like Rock Howard. This era is fair and equal in itself compared to before. Culture in itself is a factor but you can't argue that the Females have more power nowadays. There is no problem whatsoever in such portrayals. Especially if most actually try to be sexy in real life for their own reasons.
@Class_Act998675 @Nocturnal-Gamer @nait2k4 I don't think simply liking a game that the majority doesn't like implies that the person is a fanboy. The person wasn't exactly "OMFG! YOU ALL SUCKS RE6 WAS AWESOME!" with the comment.
Personal preference over all and everyone shouldn't exactly be so negative about a decent response.
@ThrashMatt26 @aots_twilight That's the thing, most DLCs just have you updating your game to unlock an item. It is already there, hidden and locked in the disc. You weren't exactly downloading the item to begin with. You were downloading an unlock code for in game content that you could pretty much consider unlockables. (Example: Street Fighter X Tekken) You weren't installing a new file to add to your data storage. You were updating it to unlock an existing item hidden in your game.
Patches are made to be fixes. Not unlock codes. DLCs are or were supposed to be updates or bug fixes (Example: SSF4 Arcade Edition 2012 patch). Upgrades and Expansions. (Example: Borderlands) Not penny and dime unlockable costumes and items that was locked on disc. People don't even notice that Trophies were introduced to camouflage the idea of unlocking items from days past so that it can be sold as "DLCs". This is pretty much Corporate mindset at work.
These days companies "force" or at the least try to tempt you for getting that item. Never realizing that it was already in the disc you are holding in your hand. The worse kind? Cheat codes DLC. (Example: Sleeping Dogs, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record) You pretty much just paid more so you can change your .txt file to set the cheats for "on"
1. Most Gamers now notice the eventual "GotY" or "Ultimate" editions coming out after a few months have passed from the initial release. Preferring to wait and invest in a more better Bundle.
2. And finally. The almighty on disc content debacle. Really, having content that is pretty much considered unlockables isn't exactly going to win points if sold like that.
Most DLCs aren't exactly "downloadable" for the most part. Some are actually just locked content in the first place. Notice how small most "DLCs" are after downloading them? These are pretty much "unlock codes" for content they locked to be paid in nickel and dime. Downloadable Content my foot. These are Digitally Locked Content. The Corporate mindset ruined most of the original intentions for DLC.
There is no such thing as F2P. Of course the in game item shops are there that would undoubtedly tempt you to buy from them. How else would they keep the servers up and running?
The only thing that people should realize is that it is an unavoidable fact. The problem is that if there is no market, they will either close the servers or put more items in the market aside from the Costumes maybe even overpowering ones which could backfire. The Players role is to buy enough or be wise enough not to spend too much in buying stuff in the market. Since that is the whole plan of in game online shops.
aots_twilight's comments