No graphic advance?! it is next gen for god sakes . i loved three previous Gears, but this is not next gen like that three did.
Learn from uncharted 4 ;( but even uncharted dosent deserve 10, And 9.5 was good.
This is what happen when Game Spot changed its scoring method for money. A game should really earn 10.0 score back then, but now they give 10 to any game that pay more.
Remember when gears of war came in 2005? you could feel it is real next gen in that time, its a shame now.
And definitely game spot will give gears of war 4 score 10.0 from 10, somehow i am sure of it, shame on Game Spot. I loved the old game spot and their score system, And i loved the old next gen games in their own time, How they made mind blowing graphics and dont care about 60 fps and 4K and Disgusting online like division did. (they could make A story mode single player third person Action advanture game with that graphic but this online shit Ruined it. just two games remind me good old days and they are really next gen: Uncharted 4 and The Division on PC only, and just on graphic (just on high end pc's with a good graphic card on highest settings , on consoles even The Division looks like shit and on pc i like just its graphic only. not gameplay... cause just on pc it is next gen graphicly.
This is what happen when clif.B left epic games its a shame a new director steal his legacy. Shame it haven't no graphic advance change that can be notable it is not next gen. shame on GS cause they change their score method for money , in the past 10 from 10 should really earned. but now hey give 10 to any game that pays more ;( i loved game spot, and now we havnt any score like 8.5 or 9.5 , shame on all, just division and uncharted 4 are graphicly next gen and division just on pc on consoules its liik like shit,
these guys are forget about the best. even better than gtx 1080, yea Gigabyte GTX 980ti extreme gaming with Oc is even as 1080 believe me. buy GTX 980 Ti
Even Delay the game Microsoft no problem, But in the end, give us A fantastic GEARS 4 in graphics and cinematic story.But don't care about , 60 fps, resolution and online things . A Next GEN Artistic Graphic game, Gears 4, 40 fps , good syncing, next gen textures upgrade, Lighting , Artistic, and reality, with a good graphic is very better than 60 fps with medium graphic, Even 30 fps is enough,
I say AGAIN, forget online neddless thing , and this 60 fps nonsense and stick on next gen graphic even with 30 , 40 FPS, something like what Gears 1 did with X360 and stick to story and cinematics, and a fantastic Nect Gen graphic,
for the ones babbling about 60 fps and normal graphic : they can easily have a better graphics, with a good VSynyincs job, you even not notice the 60 fps I'm 100 % sure no deffrence if other things graphicly be fantastic, A REAL NEXT GEN GEARS 4, look what uncharted doing , I was xbox guy , and yet I want to buy one but this time I bought a ps4 and a 980 ti sli for some xbox games, I want buy a XBone to. but my beloved GEARS 4 should be PERFECT , in cinematic story mode and fantastic graphic, don't care about resolution and 60 FPS (dumb thing even 24 is enough :)) Kidding like I said a good syncing on 40 fps even is enough, in anycase I LOVE GEARS 4 Please don't do they did to division because fps and online things , even resolution,
@skyhighgam3r: By contrast, a game that looks bad, but plays great? I'd take that over the first one any day.
you are quite right but at least say:
By contrast, a game that (look normal, if not badd ass ;) ), but plays great? I'd take that over the first one any day.
you feel me? :D
I'm with you in online stuffs. but yet fps around 40 ( and good Vsyncing) a very good looking game is better than normal looking but on 60 fps. admit it ;)
and in online things , I agree with you completely :
None-the-less, a single player game with fantastic graphics, even at 30FPS, is much preferable to an online only game at 60FPS. u said ;) and I add a fantastic story Cinematic game
Because i cant understand why everybody want 60fps and online , Xone and PS4 are not PC, and they have limits, So if they want make somthing Real next Gen they should just focus on story mode and graphics, not 60fps or online mode like the division,, look how they could make a real nice next gen game on the division and because of online mode this game even hav'nt a single player mode or campaign, i loved the division and i wanted pre order it but when i found out it havent campaign single player story mode i forget about that game and i dont buy it , anyway i dont want my Beloved GEARS 4 do the same thing , and i want they make sure the graphics be a Real next gen like gears 1 do to x360, fps and resolution dosent matter but next gen textures and artistic graphic is the one thing is matter
@skyhighgam3r: Because i cant understand why everybody want 60fps and online , Xone and PS4 are not PC, and they have limits, So if they want make somthing Real next Gen they should just focus on story mode and graphics, not 60fps or online mode like the division,, look how they could make a real nice next gen game on the division and because of online mode this game even hav'nt a single player mode or campaign, i loved the division and i wanted pre order it but when i found out it havent campaign single player story mode i forget about that game and i dont buy it , anyway i dont want my Beloved GEARS 4 do the same thing , and i want they make sure the graphics be a Real next gen like gears 1 do to x360, fps and resolution dosent matter but next gen textures and artistic graphic is the one thing is matter
arashfella's comments